Eмисия новини
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Presidenti Radev është në pritje të një dinamike të re në marrëdhëniet me Maqedoninë e Veriut

Presidenti i Bullgarisë Rumen Radev ishte i vetmi president nga BE-ja, i cili zhvilloi në Shkup një takim dypalësh me homologun e tij të ri Stevo Pendarovski. Radev bëri apel për përballimin e prapambetjes në punën e Komisionit të Përbashkët..

13.05.19 11:18 |

Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev expects new dynamics in relations with North Macedonia

Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev who is the only EU President who held a bilateral meeting in Skopje with North Macedonia’s new President Stevo Pendarovski called on the Joint Bulgaria-North Macedonia Multidisciplinary Expert Commission to speed up its..

13.05.19 10:43 |

President Rumen Radev: The high percentage of invalid votes substitutes election results

In the run-up to elections for European Parliament, President Rumen Radev met with the Central Electoral Commission administration. President Radev discussed the need to reduce the number of invalid votes, security protection of..

10.05.19 16:22 |
Stevo Pendarovski

President Rumen Radev congratulates Stevo Pendarovski for election victory

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has congratulated Stevo Pendarovski for his victory in the presidential elections in North Macedonia. The Bulgarian Head of State wished the country success and courage on its road to NATO and EU membership...

07.05.19 15:52 |

Day of Bulgarian Army celebrated with military parade in Sofia

The Bravery Day and Day of the Bulgarian Army were marked in Sofia with a water blessing of the military flags and other sacred flags. Few countries managed to preserve their name, faith and language despite the vicissitudes and tests of time...

06.05.19 11:46 |

Pope Francis: Bulgaria is a bridge between East and West

After being officially welcomed with state honours in front of the Presidency building in Sofia, Pope Francis held a closed-door meeting with President Rumen Radev. The Bulgarian President stated after the meeting that being the people of..

05.05.19 12:58 |

Papa Françesku: Bullgaria është urë midis Lindjes dhe Perëndimit

Pas pritjes zyrtare të Papës Françesku me nderime shtetërore para Presidencës së Republikës në Sofje, mysafiri zhvilloi takime sy me sy me Presidentin Rumen Radev. Në një përshëndetje pas takimit Presidenti na siguroi se si një popull i një prej shteteve..

05.05.19 12:41 |
The town of Klisura

Bulgaria marks 143rd anniversary of April Uprising

The 143 rd anniversary of the April Uprising will be marked with a solemn rally on Tuesday night. The event will be held in the town of Klisura, South Bulgaria, whose residents played an important part during the April Uprising. Bulgaria’s President..

30.04.19 10:15 |

Presidenti bullgar dhe emiri i Katarit diskutuan mundësitë për investime në Bullgari

Në kuadrin e vizitës në Katar presidenti Rumen Radev u takua me emirin Shejh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Tani. Në Doha të dy ata diskutuan projekte të përbashkëta në sektorët e teknologjive të larta dhe shtimin e investimeve në zonat industriale bullgare,..

11.04.19 15:09 |

President Rumen Radev and Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani discuss investment opportunities in Bulgaria

Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev met with the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani within the frameworks of his official visit to Doha. President Radev and Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani discussed common projects in high-tech sectors, ways..

11.04.19 15:06 |
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