“The European Parliament’s democracy monitoring group is discussing, on 5 February, whether to organize a mission at the end of summer to look into corruption and the rule of law in Bulgaria,” Bulgarian Progressive Alliance of Socialists and..
"Boyko Borissov was not concerned about the people and the journalists beaten at the protests, nor was he concerned about Emilian Gebrev's poisoning", said Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev in response to Premier Borissov's call to put forward a..
European funding must not be allocated to government-controlled media, and the European Commission must regularly assess government interference and transparency of media ownership. This is the appeal launched by 553 MEPs in a special..
“The European Parliament resolution on rule of law in this country comes in defence of Bulgaria and is a huge success for all Bulgarians,” said MEP Elena Yoncheva for the BNR. “The document voted recognizes as legitimate the demands of the..
A comienzos de octubre en la sala plenaria del PE se celebrará una discusión en torno a la supremacía de la ley en Bulgaria. Esto ha manifestado ante la cadena bTV Elena Yoncheva, eurodiputada por el Partido Socialista Búlgaro. Ella ha agregado que..
The Bulgarian authorities have approached the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli with the request to strip the immunity of Bulgaria’s MEP from the Group of Socialist and Democrats Elena Yoncheva, Mr Sassoli himself announced during..
Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov has ordered an investigation into all guest houses on the territory of Bulgaria, financed under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and whether they are used as such. The launch of the..
Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office refused to initiate pre-trial proceedings against MP from BSP for Bulgaria Elena Yoncheva for allegedly disclosing state secrets. The signal to the prosecution was filed by Bulgaria’s Deputy Premier Valeri Simeonov and..
The fence at the Bulgaria-Turkey border does not perform its function, Bulgaria’s investigating journalist and MP Elena Yoncheva, who has been working in the recent months on the topic related to the condition and the effectiveness of that border, said..
Bulgaria’s head of state Rumen Radev has appointed two more members in his team through issuing the necessary decrees. Journalist Elena Yoncheva was appointed Secretary for Media Relations. Tsveta Timeva was appointed Secretary for Regional..