After waiting at the border for nearly four hours , Bulgarian citizens who wanted to pay tribute to the revolutionary Gotse Delchev on the occasion of the 151st anniversary of his birth were allowed entry to North Macedonia. The reason for the delay..
Bulgaria and North Macedonia celebrate the 151st anniversary of the birth of Gotse Delchev - ideologist of the struggles for the liberation of Macedonia and Adrianople from Ottoman rule. There is an increased police presence around the St. Spas..
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Bujar Osmani, y el ministro del Interior Oliver Spasovski de la República de Macedonia del Norte, así como el Sindicato de Policías del país, instaron a que se celebre pacíficamente el 151 aniversario del nacimiento del..
Bujar Osmani and Oliver Spasovski - the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia , as well as the Police Officers' Trade Union in the country called for a peaceful celebration of the 151st anniversary of the..
El Ministerio de Exteriores ha confirmado que el embajador de Bulgaria en la República de Macedonia del Norte, Ánguel Ánguelov, ha regresado a su puesto de trabajo en la embajada búlgara de Skopie. Él fue convocado para consultas en Bulgaria después de..
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the country‘ s Ambassador to the Republic of North Macedonia Angel Angelov has returned to the Bulgarian Embassy in Skopje. He was summoned for consultations in Bulgaria after the assault..
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of Bulgaria Ivan Demerdzhiev is in Skopje for talks with his Macedonian counterpart . Mr Demerdzhiev is accompanied by the Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior and the President of the State..
El vice primer ministro y titular del Interior, Iván demerdzhiev, el vice secretario general del Ministerio del Interior y el presidente de la Agencia Estatal para la Seguridad Nacional están en Skopie para mantener conversaciones con las..
Bulgaria’s caretaker Minister of Interior Ivan Demerdzhiev and the Chairman of the State Agency for National Security Plamen Tonchev are expected to visit Skopje on January 30. They will discuss the organisation of the upcoming commemoration of the..
Durante una conversación telefónica el primer ministro interino Galab Donev ha debatido con su colega macedonio Dimitar Kovachevski la necesidad de que las celebraciones del 4 de febrero con motivo del 151 aniversario del natalicio del revolucionario..