Celebrar la Navidad a la búlgara, acatando las tradiciones, sirviendo una mesa de platos sin grasa en vísperas de la Navidad, con excelente humor y regalos: es lo que han vivido los niños de los búlgaros residentes en Las vegas que visitan las..
Departe de țara lor natală, bulgarii care trăiesc în străinătate și-au păstrat simțul comunității, care se transmite din generație în generație. Un sentiment care îi reunește în înființarea unor școli bulgare, a unei biserici, lucruri care unesc diaspora..
Far from their country of birth, Bulgarians living overseas have retained their sense of community which is passed down from generation to generation. A feeling that brings them together in the establishment of Bulgarian schools, a church, things that..
Ein Weihnachten auf bulgarische Art mit einer Nachstellung bulgarischer Traditionen an Heiligabend, viel guter Laune und Geschenken erlebten die Kinder unserer Landsleute in Las Vegas, die dort die beiden bulgarischen Schulen besuchen, teilte uns Maria..
Las Vegas’taki Bulgarlara “aralarında halkı aydınlatanlar var mı?” diye sorsanız, kesinlikle Rumen Stefanov’un adını vereceklerdir. Oradaki bütün Bulgarlar Rumen’i ve Nevada’daki Bulgarların merkezi haline gelen restoranını biliyorlar. Restoranın..
If you ask Bulgarians living in Las Vegas whether there are latter-day enlighteners among them, you are certain to hear one name – Rumen Stefanov. Every Bulgarian there knows or has heard of Rumen and his restaurant, which is at the heart of the..
Les élections déterminant la composition de la 48 e législature de l’Assemblée nationale de la Bulgarie ont pris fin. Les résultats sont clairs, contrairement à l’avenir qui attend le pays. Des élections bien organisées, une abstention..
“ Voter turnout among Bulgarians in Las Vegas is much higher than in other polling stations in the USA, and I guess Canada as well," Galina Dineva, a representative of the election commission there, told Radio Bulgaria . There is no..
Valentin Yordanov is a positive, successful and radiant person who has been transforming the face of Las Vegas with his extraordinary colourful art installations, paintings and sculptures. The story of the Bulgarian artist is fascinating and motivating...
Valentín Yordanov es una persona positiva, exitosa y sonriente que transforma Las Vegas mediante sus excepcionales instalaciones artísticas, cuadros y esculturas. La historia del pintor búlgaro es cautivadora y motivadora ya que es un ejemplo..