Eмисия новини
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Nadezhda Bobcheva

Sofia authorities identify 3,000 cases of violation of the city's low-emission zone

The number of violations of the low-emission zone in the center of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, where cars of the first and second categories were banned from entering, has decreased tenfold, announced the deputy mayor for ecology Nadezhda Bobcheva. The..

10.03.25 16:03 |
Nadejda Bobtchéva

3000 contraventions dressées dans la ZFE de Sofia

Le nombre des infractions dans la zone à faible émissions /ZFE/ au centre-ville de la capitale bulgare interdite d’accès aux voitures correspondant aux normes Euro 1 et 2, a chuté dix fois, comme annoncé par Nadejda Bobtchéva, maire adointe chargée de..

10.03.25 15:45 |

Le carnaval de Venise s’invite à Sofia

Ce 8 mars à partir de 19 h, les invités du Club militaire de Sofia pourront profiter de l’élégance vénitienne lors d’un vrai carnaval de Venise, une première pour la Bulgarie. Ils auront droit à un vrai masque vénitien fabriqué et peint à la main et..

08.03.25 12:35 |

The magic of the Carnival of Venice comes to Sofia

For the first time in Bulgaria a real Venetian Carnival will be held today at 7:00 p.m.. Guests of the Military Club in Sofia will have the opportunity to enjoy the Venetian elegance and tradition. They will receive a Venetian mask -..

08.03.25 04:55 |

Documentary photo exhibition sheds light on the personality and work of Exarch Stefan I of Bulgaria

An exhibition in the National Assembly in Sofia traces the life and work of Exarch Stefan I of Bulgaria – a cosmopolitan figure who went down in history as a champion of the distance of priests from political life, as well as for his..

06.03.25 20:27 |

Wetteraussichten für Freitag, den 7. März

Am Freitagmorgen wird die Sicht in den Ebenen, Tälern und in der Nähe von Wasserbecken stellenweise eingeschränkt sein. Die Tiefsttemperaturen werden zwischen 1 und 4°C liegen, in Sofia 1°C. Am Tage wird es sonnig und warm mit vereinzelten hohen Wolken..

06.03.25 19:45 |

More than 4,000 students from all over the world apply for internship at INSAIT Institute in Sofia

Students from elite universities from all over the world have submitted applications for a summer internship at the Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology (INSAIT) at Sofia University.  INSAIT..

06.03.25 10:54 |

Bulgaria organizes session of UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Paris, not in Sofia

Following consultations between Bulgarian institutions and UNESCO, the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee has agreed to organize the 47th session of the Committee at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris from July 6 to 16. This was..

06.03.25 09:11 |

Festivalul Internațional de Fotografie Phodar se deschide la Sofia

Între 4 martie și 6 aprilie,  Sofia devine epicentrul artei fotografice odată cu cea de-a XIII-a ediție a Festivalului Internațional de Fotografie – Bienala Phodar .  Evenimentul se desfășoară la Palatul - Galeria Națională de Artă , reunind..

05.03.25 10:30 |

Internationales Fotofestival „Fodar“ in Sofia eröffnet

Die 13. Ausgabe des Internationalen Fotofestivals „Fodar“ findet vom 4. März bis 6. April in der Nationalen Kunstgalerie in Sofia statt. 801 Fotografen aus 81 Ländern haben sich in diesem Jahr für die Teilnahme beworben. Eine internationale Jury hat..

05.03.25 09:15 |
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