Eмисия новини
от 12.00 часа

Zhelyazkov: "Bulgaria does not support the binding of Albania and North Macedonia to the EU"

Bulgaria consistently supports Albania's accession to the EU and takes an active position in favor of the key decisions for the country's European path . This was stated by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Rosen Zhelyazkov, at his meeting with the..

26.02.24 13:16 |

Los búlgaros de Gora conservan su lengua y su cultura, pero necesitan apoyo - Parte II

Miriyan Dauti es uno de los profesores más jóvenes de la escuela del pueblo de Tsarnalevo, situado en la región histórico-geográfica de Gora, en el noreste de Albania, donde la mayoría de la población es de origen búlgaro. Ante el equipo de Radio..

25.02.24 10:50 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

Vuela el primer caza enteramente turco El caza turco de quinta generación KAAN ha realizado con éxito su vuelo inaugural, según ha revelado la emisora estatal TRT Haber. El primer vuelo del caza estaba previsto para finales de 2023, pero fue..

23.02.24 12:30 |

Bulgarians in Gòra still preserve their language and culture, but need support from the homeland - Part II

Our visit to the Bulgarians in the region of Gòra, northeastern Albania, continues. Mirjan Dauti is one of the young teachers at the school in the village of Cërnalevë , located in the historical-geographical region of Gòra in..

17.02.24 08:10 |

Bulgarians in Gora still preserve their language and culture, but need support from the homeland - Part I

Recognised as a national minority in 2017, Bulgarians in Albania live in the country's larger cities as well as in smaller settlements, some located in hard-to-reach mountainous areas. This is the case of the villages in the historical-geographical..

13.02.24 15:55 |

Viceprimarul unei municipalități albaneze dorește o viață mai bună pentru bulgarii de acolo

Agron Nuredinaj face parte de câteva luni din noua administrație municipală a orașului Kukës din nordul Albaniei. Centrul municipal este, de asemenea, responsabil pentru satele din regiunea Gora, unde trăiește din cele mai vechi timpuri o populație de..

05.02.24 14:45 |
Agron Nuredinaj

Deputy mayor of an Albanian municipality wants a better life for the Bulgarians there

Agron Nuredinaj has been part of the new municipal administration of the town of Kukës in northern Albania for several months now. The municipal center is also responsible for the villages in the Gora region, where a population of Bulgarian origin and..

02.02.24 14:20 |
Agron Nuredinaj

El vicealcalde de un municipio albanés desea una vida mejor para los búlgaros en Albania

Desde hace varios meses, Agron Nuredinaj forma parte de la nueva administración municipal de la ciudad de Kukës, en el norte de Albania. El centro municipal es también responsable de los pueblos de la localidad de Gora, donde viven desde hace mucho..

02.02.24 10:59 |
A window on the world and Golo Brdo.

Seeds of understanding must be sown in children so that the beautiful flower of peace may bloom in the Balkans

Old statistics and records show that at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of the inhabitants of the historical and geographical area of Golo Brdo were of Bulgarian origin. After the Balkan War (1912 -..

29.01.24 15:08 |
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan

Turkey's Foreign Minister to visit Bulgaria as part of Balkan tour

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is starting a tour of three Balkan countries - Albania, Bulgaria and Romania - from today until January 31. This was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey.  During the meetings, bilateral..

28.01.24 15:14 |
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