Saving is the only way to finance extra expenditure until the end of the year, as no revenue over-performance is expected, Bulgaria’s caretaker Minister of Finance Rositsa Velkova said. Minister Velkova pointed out that the mid-year budget..
Bulgaria's gross domestic product in 2021 has reached a record €68 billion, rising by 3.6% with inflation at 3.3%, BNR's Natalia Ganchovska reports, quoting the annual edition of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry "Bulgaria in..
The cost of the fall of the Bulgarian government in the short-term amounts to BGN 900 million or almost EUR 460 million, says Latchezar Bogdanov, Chief Economist at the Institute for Market Economics. But if the political..
The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) said that it expects Bulgaria’s economy to expand by 1.9% in 2022, revising downwards its March growth forecast of 2.1%. The slower GDP growth will be determined by the negative contribution of net..
The forestry sector is vital for Bulgaria because it creates jobs and contributes to 5% of GDP. Speaking to foresters and representatives of the woodworking and furniture industry in the town of Troyan, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Valentin Chambov..
In 2020, 70,000 Bulgarians, or 1% of the population, owned 18.3% of the gross domestic product, which is equal to more than EUR 11.25 billion . In 2005, they owned 11.2% of the GDP, or EUR 2.4 billion. The wealth of the richest Bulgarians rose five..
26 May is tax freedom day for Bulgarians this year. The Institute for Market Economics has estimated that this year, we have to work 146 for the state to provide the money for the treasury. The state budget envisages revenues of over 57 billion Leva..
The monthly inflation in Bulgaria in April has been estimated at 2.5%, as the prices of food products and non-alcoholic beverages rose by 4.5% . The main upward pressure on inflation in April was exerted by the prices of clothing and footwear, which..
Gas prices are expected to rise on a one-off basis due to the halted supplies from Russia, but they will be offset by alternative supplies, according to European Commission's latest spring macroeconomic forecast for Bulgaria . Energy prices..
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has lowered its forecast for Bulgaria’s GDP growth, because of the war in Ukraine. EBRD expects that Bulgaria’s gross domestic product will rise 2.8% in 2022, a downward revision of the 4.4% growth..