Un malade guérit du Covid-19 après avoir passé 38 jours sous assistance respiratoire Un patient guéri pendant les dernières 24 heures et qui avait le Covid-19 est resté intubé au cours de 38 jours, a annoncé la..
Legendary Bulgarian singer Lili Ivanova gave expression to her gratitude to doctors at the front line. The favourite singer of generations of Bulgarians sent the medical workers from Sofia-based Aleksandrovska hospital flowers, CDs of her songs and..
La legendaria cantante pop búlgara, Lili Ivanova, expresó su admiración por los trabajadores médicos en primera línea. La artista preferida de generaciones de búlgaros ha hecho llegar al Hospital Alexandrovska de Sofía flores, discos con sus canciones y..
Këngëtarja legjendare Lili Ivanova tregoi solidaritetin e vet me mjekët në linjën e pare të luftës me koronavirusin. Favoritja e disa brezave bullgarë u dërgoi mjekëve në spitalin e kryeqytetit “Aleksandrovska” lule, CD me muzikën e saj dhe mesazh, në..