Bulgarien gehört zu jenen Ländern, die den Wiederaufbaufonds nach der Covid-19-Pandemie nutzen können, trotz der niedrigen Zahl an Infizierten, teilte in einem Interview für den Bulgarischen Nationalen Rundfunk der Vorsitzende der EVP-Fraktion im..
Bulgaria es uno de los países que podrán sacar provecho del Fondo de Reconstrucción tras la pandemia de Covid–19, no obstante el bajo número de contagios en el país. Así lo ha manifestado en entrevista con Radio Nacional de Bulgaria Manfred Weber,..
Lideri i grupit të Partisë Popullore Evropiane në PE Manfred Weber i ka dërguar letër komisioneres, e cila përgjigjet për çështjet e konkurrencës Margrethe Vestager me kërkesë që Komisioni Evropian të kontrollojë marrëveshjen e arritur ndërmjet..
Addressing the congress of the European People’s Party, EPP, in Helsinki, the chairman of GERB party and Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borissov urged the EPP to come up with clear positions on issues like Schengen enlargement with the accession of..
The place of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia is in Schengen and this decision should not be postponed. This was stated in the European Parliament in Strasbourg by the chairman of the group of the European People's Party in the European Parliament,..