Eмисия новини
от 09.00 часа

Maria Bakalova, “Forbes” - Bulgaristan yıldız sıralamasında birinci

2021'de Oscar'a aday gösterilen Bulgar aktris Maria Bakalova, “Forbes” - dergisinin Bulgarca baskısının derlediği şov dünyasının en etkili Bulgarlarının Top 70 listesinde ilk sırada yer aldı. Dergi “Maria Bakalova'nın Yılı! 2021 için Top..

22.12.21 17:24 |

Maria Bakalova tops star chart of Forbes Bulgaria

Maria Bakalova, who was nominated for an Oscar in 2021, took first place in the Top 70 list of the most influential Bulgarians in show business, compiled by the Bulgarian edition of Forbes magazine. "The Year of Maria Bakalova! The..

21.12.21 11:52 |

Maria Bakalova, propulsée à la tête du classement des stars bulgares

L'actrice Maria Bakalova, nommée aux Oscars en 2021 a été propulsée à la première place du TOP 70 des Bulgares les plus influents, établi par la version bulgare du magazine "Forbes". "C'est l'année de Maria Bakalova! Son rôle dans "Borat 2" lui a valu..

21.12.21 11:25 |

Two Bulgarian female film directors named presidents of the jury of Venice Film Festival’s Giornatte degli autori section

Mina Mileva and Vesela Kazakova are to be jury presidents of the prestigious Giornatte degli autori section of the Venice film Festival. The news came a few days after their film “Women Do Cry”, starring Oscar-nominated Maria Bakalova was..

01.08.21 14:05 |

Bulgarische Regisseurinnen an der Spitze der Jury für das Programm Giornatte degli autori

Mina Mileva und Vessela Kazakova werden beim ältesten Filmfestival der Welt die Jury des renommierten Programms Giornatte degli autori (Tage Venedigs) leiten. Die Nachricht kam nur wenige Tage, nachdem der Film der bulgarischen..

31.07.21 11:50 |

‘Az. Kiril ve Az. Metodiy’ gemisinin gönderine Bulgar bayrağı çekildi

Aktris Maria Bakalova Varna’da ilk Bulgar askeri bilim araştırmaları gemisinin vaftizcisi  oldu. Gemi, Aziz kardeşler Kiril’le Metodiy’in isimlerini taşıyor. 421 güverte numarası olan gemi  Deniz Harp Okulu, Sofya’nın ‘Az. Kliment Ohridski’..

27.07.21 12:05 |

Schiff „Hll. Kyrill und Method“ hisst zum ersten Mal bulgarische Flagge

In Warna wurde die Schauspielerin Maria Bakalova Taufpatin des ersten bulgarischen Militärforschungsschiffs. Es trägt den Namen der heiligen Brüder Kyrill und Method. Das Schiff mit der Bordnummer 421 soll gemeinsam von der Marinehochschule, der..

27.07.21 11:57 |

Actress Maria Bakalova becomes godmother of first Bulgarian military research ship

In Varna, the Oscar-nominated Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova became the godmother of the first Bulgarian military research ship . It is named after the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius. The ship is owned by a consortium between the Naval School, Sofia..

27.07.21 11:51 |

Dünya tiyatro sahnelerinde Bulgaristan’ın ismini yayan sanatçılar

‘Oscar’ ödülüne adaylığı gösterilen ilk Bulgar aktrisi Maria Bakalova bu hafta Turizm bakanı Stela Baltova tarafından  ‘Bulgaristan destinasyonunun elçisi’ şeref unvanına layık görüldü.  Etkinlik, Bakalova’nın film yönetmen ikilisi Mina Mileva ile..

24.07.21 07:10 |

The names bringing glory to Bulgaria on international theater stages

This week, the first Bulgarian actress nominated for an Oscar - Maria Bakalova, received the honorary badge "Ambassador of Destination Bulgaria" from the Minister of Tourism Stella Baltova. The event took place just days after Bakalova..

24.07.21 06:35 |
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