Eмисия новини
от часа

MAE: Pas d'informations sur des Bulgares parmi les victimes du séisme en Turquie

Il n'y a pas à ce stade d'informations sur des citoyens bulgares parmi les victimes du tremblement de terre en Turquie, annonce le ministère des Affaires étrangères. Le Bulgare à la double nationalité bulgare et turque qui est porté disparu à Iskenderun n'a..

07.02.23 16:27 |

Brussels closely monitors Bulgarian-Macedonian relations

The European Commission has refused to comment on the tensions between Bulgaria and North Macedonia since 4 February. However, officials told BNT that the Commission was closely monitoring the development of relations between the two countries and..

07.02.23 14:01 |
Nikolay Milkov

Yurtdışındaki seçimler geçen yıla kıyasla daha masraflı olacak

Geçici hükümette Dışişleri Bakanı Nikolay Milkov, 2 Nisan 2023 erken seçimlerinde yurtdışında yaklaşık 750 sandık açılacağını söyledi. Bakan Milkov’un sözlerine göre , bu erken seçimlerin yurtdışı sandıkları için maaliyeti yaklaşık 4milyon..

07.02.23 12:19 |
Minister Nikolay Milkov

There are complications in organizing the elections abroad on April 2

Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Nikolay Milkov reported on the foreign policy of the caretaker government. The first priority was the organization of the elections on October 2. They took place peacefully, without complaints in 755 polling stations, in 62..

27.01.23 15:09 |

Elections : L'organisation du scrutin à l'étranger pose problème...

Le chef de la diplomatie bulgare Nikolay Milkov a dressé le bilan de la politique de son ministère dont la priorité a été l'organisation le 2 octobre dernier des élections législatives anticipées. Aucune irrégularité sérieuse n'a été constatée dans les..

27.01.23 13:14 |
The Bulgarian embassy in Skopje

The Bulgarian ambassador will not be returning to Skopje any time soon, Foreign Minister Nikolay Milkov says

After Macedonian Bulgarian Hristiyan Pendikov was beaten up in North Macedonia , there was shock and admissions at various levels that it was a hate crime. Then the stories started to circulate that Pendikov is a drug addict and dealer, that the..

26.01.23 10:15 |

Sofia acquaints the EU with the worsening situation of Bulgarians in North Macedonia

In Brussels, Bulgaria’s caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolay Milkov informed his colleagues from the Foreign Affairs Council about the deteriorating situation of North Macedonia's citizens who identify themselves as Bulgarians. Minister..

24.01.23 10:43 |

Sofia a informé l'UE du mauvais traitement des Bulgares en Macédoine du Nord...

A Bruxelles, le ministre des Affaires étrangères Nikolay Milkov a informé ses collègues du Conseil "Affaires étrangères" de l'UE des conditions de vie plus en plus difficiles des Bulgares qui vivent en Macédoine du Nord. Milkov a rappelé le passage à tabac..

24.01.23 09:52 |

North Macedonia's Ambasador to be handed a note of protest in connection with the attack against the Secretary of the Bulgarian Cultural Club "Tsar Boris III"

Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to summon t he Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in Bulgaria, Agneza Rusi Popovska. Ambassador Popovska will be handed a note of protest in connection with the serious criminal act committed..

20.01.23 14:27 |

L'adhésion de la Bulgarie à l'espace Schengen est une priorité pour l'ensemble de la communauté européenne...

"Un accord existe, au niveau national et international, sur les démarches à suivre cette année pour que la Bulgarie réussisse à rejoindre l'espace Schengen au cours du deuxième semestre de 2023". C'est ce qu'a déclaré le ministre des Affaires étrangères,..

19.01.23 13:21 |
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