Der letzte bulgarische Staatsbürger, der bis dato in Kabul um eine Unterstützung gebeten hatte, Afghanistan zu verlassen, befindet sich bereits an einem sicheren Ort und wartet auf seine Rückkehr nach Bulgarien, informierte das Presseamt des..
The last Bulgarian citizen who has so far sought assistance for evacuation from Kabul is now in a safe place and expects to return to Bulgaria, the press centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported. Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs..
There has been an increase in unaccompanied minors in refugee centres along the Bulgarian border, mainly from Syria and Afghanistan. In an interview with BNR, the chairman of the State Agency for Refugees Petya Parvanova pointed out that Bulgaria was a..
Bulgaria’s caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Svetlan Stoev addressed a letter of condolence to the United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken in connection with the terrorist attack at Kabul airport, which claimed the lives of dozens of..
Interior Minister in the caretaker government Boyko Rashkov stated, in parliament, that the migratory pressure on the country has gone up six fold. He pointed out that the maintenance of the fence along the border with Turkey is poor and urgent..
„Rund 70 afghanische Bürger und ihre Familien werden von Bulgarien unterstützt und aufgenommen werden“, teilte nach der heutigen Regierungssitzung der Ministerpräsident der Übergangsregierung Stefan Janew mit. Bei den Afghanen handelt es sich um..
Im Jagdgehege bei Ichtiman in Westbulgarien wurden Dutzende illegale Migranten aufgegriffen. Sie alle behaupten, aus Afghanistan zu stammen, das sie wegen des dortigen Konflikts verlassen hätten. Die Aktion zur Festnahme der Migranten habe Stunden..
Dozens of migrants have been found in the hunting reserve above the town of Ihtiman. They all say they come from Afghanistan and are fleeing from the conflict in the country. The operation for their detention lasted for hours, some of the men..
Four Bulgarian citizens were evacuated from Kabul onboard a Romanian military plane. The plane landed at an air base near Bucharest. The Bulgarian nationals were evacuated together with 15 Romanians, Romania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs..
About a hundred people from the Afghan community in Bulgaria joined a march in Sofia in support of the Afghan people against Taliban rule and in order to show sympathy for Afghan refugees across the world.