Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev committed to putting in place, during his term of office, legislative changes connected with the Council for Coordination of Policies for Bulgarians Outside the Country. “There is a 3-month deadline..
Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev stated in plenary that the situation concerning the wildfires is serious but that, for now, we do not need any additional help. “The EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism is quite enough,” he added. Air..
DPS Meclis Grubu’ndan ihraç edilen 25 milletvekiline göre DPS’li valilerin yerlerinin değiştirilmesi ve görevden alınmaları, Delyan Peevski’nin geçici hükümet ve Başbakan Dimitar Glavçev’ üzerindeki etkisinin doğrudan sonucudur . Bağımsız..
At the Boyana Residence in Sofia, Bulgaria's caretaker Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Dimitar Glavchev, welcomed the diplomatic staff at a reception marking the Bulgarian Diplomatic Service Day - 19 July and the 145th anniversary of the founding of..
Bakanlar Kurulu’nda , ABD Ticaret ve Kalkınma Ajansı ile Elektrik Sistemi İşletmecisi arasında Doğu-Batı enerji koridorunun inşasına ilişkin fizibilite çalışması sözleşmesi imzalandı . 1,2 milyon dolar tutarında karşılıksız finanzman..
Heatwave, strong winds, wildfires… This is the reality in Bulgaria these past few days. Houses burnt to ashes, farm and wild animals, the harvest destroyed, nature devastated. And the human suffering in the wake of the fire. Interior..
“In the villages of Kraynevo, Voden and Sharkovo we are working on three fronts. Every 20 minutes there is a report of a new fire somewhere in the country,” caretaker Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov said at a briefing in Mamarchevo village,..
Într-o conversație cu președintele Joe Biden în timpul celebrării celei de-a 75-a aniversări a NATO, prim-ministrul interimar Dimitar Glavchev a declarat că Bulgaria este un aliat loial și de încredere. La rândul său, Biden a apreciat foarte mult rolul..
During a discussion with US President Joe Biden at the 75 th anniversary NATO summit in Washington DC, Bulgaria’s caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev stated that Bulgaria is a loyal and reliable ally. On his part, President Biden expressed..
From July 9 to 11, Caretaker Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitar Glavchev will participate in the NATO Summit in Washington. The delegation led by Premier Glavchev will include caretaker Minister of Defense Atanas Zapryanov,..