Todas las decisiones sobre la seguridad de Bulgaria son de la incumbencia del Ejecutivo y no son impuestas por la OTAN, ha expresado el ministro búlgaro de Defensa Stefan Yanev en la apertura de la conferencia anual del jefe de la Defensa de Bulgaria...
« L' adaptation de la structure des forces armées, la planification, les travaux préparatifs et leur application pour répondre aux exigences des concepts de l’OTAN de dissuasion et de défense dans la zone euro-atlantique »: c’est le sujet de la..
La adaptación de la estructuras de las fuerzas armadas, la planificación, la preparación y su uso conforme a los requisitos del concepto de disuasión y defensa de la OTAN en la zona euroatlántica forman el tema de la conferencia anual del jefe de..
Chief of Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov called for a broad-based political consensus with regard to the projects for the modernization of the army. Bulgaria’s defence “is not consistent with the rates of armament and rearmament of the neighbouring..
Savunma Şefi Amiral Emil Eftimov Genel Kurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler’in daveti üzerine Türkiye’de resmi ziyarette bulunuyor. Başkent Ankara’da Orgeneral Güler ile bir araya gelen Eftimov, ikili ilişkiler konusunu görüştü. Taraflar..
“Unfortunately biological material has been found from the MiG-29 aircraft which went missing. It will be handed over for DNA analysis, ” Chief of Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov stated at a press conference in Varna. The search operation for the..
“We have been seeing a growing number of risks and threats to European order and security, as well as a tendency towards an increase in conflicts in immediate proximity to the EU borders,” Chief of the Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov said after a..
There is nothing extraordinary in the situation in which Bulgarian fighter jets were launched in the air because of Russian bombers in the Black Sea, commented Bulgaria's Chief of Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov. This is not the first time such a..
More than 200 Bulgarian military officers from 9 missions will celebrate the Day of the Bulgarian Army, May 6, abroad. In a video conference call today, Bulgaria's Chief of Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov congratulated the Bulgarian contingents in..
Acting chief of Defence of Bulgaria Rear Admiral Emil Eftimov and Clive Johnstone, Commander of NATO's Allied Maritime Command discussed ways to extend interaction between the Bulgarian Navy and the NATO standing maritime groups. The sides..