NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated he was confident that Ukraine is ready to liberate more territories. “I'm confident that they will now be in a position to be able to liberate even more land,” Jens Stoltenberg said on the sidelines of..
La Roumanie cherche du soutien pour l’Ukraine en Amérique du Sud Un président roumain a visité le Brésil pour la première fois depuis 23 ans. Le but principal de la rencontre entre Klaus Iohannis et son homologue brésilien Luiz Lula da..
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on official visit to Latin America Romanian President Klaus Iohannis paid an official visit to Brazil, as part of his Latin American tour. His visit to Brazil, which is Romania's biggest trading partner in..
Die Verteidigungsminister der Verbündeten der Ukraine treffen sich auf der Militärbasis Ramstein in Deutschland. Die militärische Unterstützung für Kiew wird das Hauptthema des 11. aufeinander folgenden Treffens im Ramstein-Format sein. Die..
The defense ministers representing countries supporting Ukraine’s war efforts meet at the Ramstein military base in Germany today. The main topic in the 11th consecutive meeting of the Ramstein format will be military support for..
Ukraine has shot down 10 of the 11 Iranian drones launched by Russian forces over the cities of Odessa and Dnipro, the Air Force reported, citing Ukrainian military sources. The Russian occupiers have already taken over 88% of the city of..
The European Commission is offering a package of measures and a second tranche of financial aid to resolve the situation on the agricultural market in Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania , Bulgaria's Ministry of Agriculture announced. The..
"The farmers' problem is not related to imports from Ukraine, which are minimal - 0.3% of Bulgarian production. This is the opinion of Georgi Angelov, senior economist at the Open Society Institute. "When Ukrainian grain imports are stopped, it will..
Bulgarien verhängt ein vorübergehendes Verbot für die Einfuhr von Lebensmitteln aus der Ukraine, mit Ausnahme von Transitgütern. Das kündigte der geschäftsführende Ministerpräsident Galab Donew zu Beginn der Regierungssitzung an. „Im vergangenen..
Bulgaria has imposed a temporary ban on food imports from Ukraine, except for goods in transit, announced caretaker Prime Minister Galab Donev at the beginning of the government meeting. "Over the past year, Bulgaria has seen large..