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Ivan Geshev

Another request for ousting the chief prosecutor has been filed

Four members of the Prosecutor's Collegium in the Supreme Judicial Council have submitted a second proposal for the dismissal of chief prosecutor Ivan Geshev. The motive is "actions undermining the prestige of the judiciary". The..

23.05.23 12:42 |
Caretaker Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev

Intimidation is the likely motive for the accident involving prosecutor general's car

There has been significant progress in the investigation of the alleged assassination attempt against Bulgaria's prosecutor general Ivan Geshev, caretaker interior minister Ivan Demerdzhiev announced to BNR.  On May 1, on the Sofia-Samokov road,..

21.05.23 12:26 |
Stoyu Stoev, chair of the National Assembly's legal affairs committee, 18 May, 2023

Mechanism for the investigation of the prosecutor general approved by parliament’s legal affairs committee at first reading

The parliamentary committee on legal affairs approved, at first reading, the amendments putting in place a mechanism for investigating the prosecutor general of Bulgaria. The bill was passed with 191 votes in favour, none against and 33 abstentions..

19.05.23 08:56 |
Ivan Geshev

Prokurori i Përgjithshëm Ivan Geshev do të japë shpjegime në Prokurori për shitjen e ndikimit

Prokurori i Përgjithshëm Ivan Geshev njoftoi se të hënën është thirrur në Prokurorinë e Qytetit të Sofjes për të dhënë shpjegime në lidhje me një hetim për shitjen e ndikimit. Ai tha se hetimi është nxitur nga deklarata e tij e 15 majit në të cilën tha..

18.05.23 16:53 |

Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev to give explanations in Sofia Prosecutor's Office over influence peddling

Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev announced that on Monday he will be summoned to the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office to give explanations regarding an investigation into influence peddling. He said the probe was prompted by his..

18.05.23 15:04 |

Supreme Judicial Council discusses prosecutor’s office scandal, prosecutor general takes leave of absence

“Shame, I never imagined that in a country that is a member of the EU, we have to go back in time tens of years and start fighting a battle for independence all over again,” Galina Zaharova, chair of the Supreme Court of Cassation told reporters..

18.05.23 10:54 |
Prokurori i Përgjithshëm Ivan Geshev dhe zëvendësi i tij Borisllav Srafov

Gjyqtarët kërkuan shkarkimin dhe dorëheqjen e magjistratëve

Asnjë prokuror i vetëm nuk është ndikuar dhe nuk do të ndikohet nga deklaratat e personave me poste të larta publike në marrjen e vendimeve. Asnjë prokuror i vetëm nga Prokuroria e Qytetit të Sofjes nuk do t'u nënshtrohet faktorëve të jashtëm, tha në..

17.05.23 13:49 |
Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev (center) at a press-conference May 16, 2023.

Judges demand for dismissal and resignations of magistrates

No prosecutor has been or will be influenced in trying cases by statements made by persons holding senior public office. No prosecutor of the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office will be influenced by external factors, the capital prosecutor's office said in..

17.05.23 13:16 |
Ivan Geshev

Prosecutor General strikes back, urges the SJC to punish his deputy Sarafov 

Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev has proposed to the Supreme Judicial Council to impose a disciplinary punishment on his deputy Borislav Sarafov , the institution announced.  Earlier today, Deputy Prosecutor General and head of the national..

16.05.23 18:31 |
Prokurori i Përgjithshëm Ivan Geshev (majtas) dhe zëvendësi i tij Borisllav Sarafov

Zëvendës Prokurori i Përgjithshëm ka dhënë një sinjal kundër shefit të tij

Zv. Prokurori i Përgjithshëm Borisllav Sarafov dha një sinjal në Prokurorinë e Qytetit të Sofjes kundër Ivan Geshevit, duke deklaruar se Prokurori i Shtetit ka kryer tre krime. I pari - për mbledhjen e parregulluar të informacionit, i referohet një..

16.05.23 15:46 |
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