A la entrada de Veliko Tarnovo, la policía detuvo a 17 migrantes que viajaban en dos coches y que intentaban hacerse pasar por ciudadanos sirios. Los conductores de los vehículos son ciudadanos serbios, también fueron detenidos. Todos los migrantes son..
At the entrance to the central town of Veliko Tarnovo, police detained 17 migrants in two cars . The illegal aliens said they were Syrian nationals. The drivers of the cars, who were also detained, are Serbian citizens. All the migrants are male, in good..
Existe un tramo de la historia en que Bulgaria tenía acceso a tres mares y su cultura gozaba de un florecimiento sin precedentes. Esta época ha revivido a través de la imaginación del hombre moderno y de su percepción del pasado. Hoy..
Teachers from the Bulgarian Sunday schools abroad have gathered at an annual meeting at the University of Veliko Tarnovo "St. St. Cyril and Methodius". "We are the modern awakeners, because we preserve and transmit the Bulgarian language. To teach in..
In the period July 19 to 21, 2023, Veliko Tarnovo University is hosting the Fifth International Erasmus+ Week "Bulgarian Schools Abroad". 66 representatives from 13 countries will take part - Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, France,..
Del 19 al 21 de julio de 2023, la Universidad de Veliko Tarnovo acoge la 5ª Semana Internacional Erasmus+ "Escuelas Búlgaras en el Extranjero". Participarán 66 representantes de 13 países: España, Grecia, Chipre, Italia, Francia, Alemania, Austria,..
Although through the eyes of a modern person - anticipating the past through the perceptions and imagination of our time, we can get immersed in a period of Bulgarian history, in which Bulgaria was situated on three seas and its culture was flourishing...
Encaminarse a una peregrinación hacia sí mismo con la ayuda de la fe. Esta aventura que es una simbiosis entre el mundo espiritual y el físico, la condición humana y la fe, el pasado y el presente y no es algo nuevo, sobre todo para nosotros, los..
To go on a pilgrimage to yourself with the help of faith. This adventure – a symbiosis between the spiritual and physical world, human endurance and faith, past and present is not something unknown, especially to us Europeans. One of the most..
Un grup de tineri care doresc să sensibilizeze societatea cu privire la copiii cu autism au organizat la Veliko Tarnovo un festival de caritate, numit „Spectrum”. În parcul „Marno Pole” au avut loc activități de creație în aer liber, ateliere..