If elections were held today in Bulgaria GERB would earn 22% of the votes and the Bulgarian Socialist Party can rely on the support of 16.9% of the voters. The Movement for Rights and Freedoms will place third with 5.6% of the votes, a sociological..
Partia qeverisëse GERB është dakord me propozimin e Lëvizjes për të Drejtat dhe Liritë (DPS) për financim të hapur të partive. Këtë e njoftoi në Kuvendin Popullor lideri i lëvizjes Mustafa Karadajë pas takimit të dy forcave politike. Nga GERB-i..
The scandals and the revelations in Bulgaria over the past few weeks have undermined the trust of the GERB party electorate, indicates a Gallup International survey regarding electoral attitudes for the May elections for European Parliament...
The National Assembly voted, conclusively, the media law submitted by the opposition Movement for Rights and Freedoms, DPS, with principal author Delyan Peevski. Under the new law, any financing of press, electronic or online media will..
If early parliamentary elections were to be held today, the ruling GERB party would receive the support of 24.1 percent of voters, a survey by Sova Harris agency indicates. Second comes the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) with 20 percent,..
he Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) has issued a declaration in connection with the upcoming referendum in Turkey: “On 16 April Turkey will vote in a referendum on constitutional changes that will change it forever. And not just Turkey...
On February 5 the People’s Party Freedom and Dignity (NPSD) is to hold coalition talks with the Democrats for Responsibility, Freedom and Tolerance (DOST) headed by Lutvi Mestan, NPSD leader Orhan Ismailov announced on Saturday. The purpose of the..
The Ninth National Conference of the parliamentary party DPS (the predominantly ethnic Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms) has elected unanimously a new chairman, Mustafa Karadayi. 46-year-old Karadayi has been with the party since 1990s and has..