"La construcción de nuevas capacidades nucleares en la central nuclear de Kozloduy es una de las principales prioridades del Gobierno actual. Confiamos en que, gracias a la estrecha colaboración con nuestros socios estadounidenses de Westinghouse,..
A l'issue de débats houleux, le parlement a donné son accord pour la tenue, d'ici le 15 avril prochain, de négociations avec le consortium "Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co", faisant partie de la short-list des candidats à la construction des..
Parlamentul Bulgariei a respins propunerea de examinare a unui proiect de decizie pentru construirea de noi capacități la centrala nucleară Kozlodui. Deputatul Delian Dobrev, președintele Comisiei pentru energie din Adunarea Națională, a cerut..
Westinghouse Electric Company has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with five Bulgarian companies that will participate in the construction of the AP1000 reactor of the American company at the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant site, as well as in other..
The Council of Ministers decided to designate a planned new nuclear power station at Site No. 2 of the Kozloduy NPP as a national site and a facility of national importance. The site for the construction of Unit 7 with Westinghouse's AP1000..
Компанија „Вестингаус електрик“ је са друштвом "НЕ Козлодуј - Нови капацитети" потписала Уговор о фронт-енд инжењерском дизајну (Front-End Engineering and Design /FEED/ contract) о изградњи новог реактора по америчкој технологији AP1000 у електрани..
Westinghouse Electric has signed a contract with Kozloduy NPP - New Capacities a contract for preliminary engineering activities for the construction of a new reactor using the AP1000 technology at the site of the Bulgarian nuclear power plant...
Les travaux s'accélèrent sur le site de la centrale de Kozlodouy après la signature du contrat avec "Westinghouse Electric" prévoyant la construction d'un nouveau réacteur selon la technologie américaine AP1000 . Les experts commenceront par évaluer les..
La empresa estadounidense Westinghouse Electric firmó con la compañía búlgara "AEC Kozloduy - Nuevas Capacidades" un contrato de actividades preliminares de ingeniería para la construcción de un nuevo reactor utilizando la tecnología AP1000 en el..
Парламентарната група на БСП ще сезира заедно с "Възраждане" Конституционния съд заради решението на парламента да изгражда нови ядрени мощности в АЕЦ „Козлодуй“ с технологията АP1000. Това съобщи в изявление в парламента Борислав Гуцанов: "Стана..