Expoziția de fotografie "Bulgaria. O privire de la o pasăre" a fotografului Alexander Ivanov va fi vernisată pe 5 septembrie la galeria Centrului de Informare Culturală a Bulgariei din Skopje, RSM, pentru a celebra Ziua Unificării Bulgariei. La vernisaj..
The "Bulgaria. A Bird's Eye View" exhibition by photographer Alexander Ivanov will be opened on September 5 at the gallery of the Cultural Information Center of Bulgaria in Skopje, RSM, to celebrate the Unification Day of Bulgaria. The opening will be..
It doesn't take a time machine to immerse ourselves in someone's past world. Just like the world of Antip Obushtarov - the photographer, whose glass plates reveal images, events and landscapes from a century ago. The glass photographic..