O operațiune de salvare terestră și aeriană este în curs de desfășurare în Annapurna, în Himalaya. Două persoane au dispărut, iar o avalanșă blochează traseul pe care ar fi trebuit să coboare. Alpinistul bulgar Gospodin Dinev și-a amânat tentativa de..
A rescue operation by land and air is underway in Annapurna in the Himalayas. Two people have gone missing and an avalanche is blocking the route by which they should have descended. The Bulgarian climber Gospodin Dinev postponed his attempt to..
Une opération de sauvetage est en cours sur les versants de l’Annapurna dans l'Himalaya. Deux hommes sont portés disparus à cause d'une avalanche qui a bloqué leur descente. Le Bulgare Gospodin Dinev a eu la chance de reporter son ascension à cause d'un..
Der bulgarische Bergsteiger Gospodin Dinew ist zu einer Expedition nach Kathmandu aufgebrochen, um drei Achttausender im Himalaya zu besteigen. Er geht davon aus, dass die Expedition im Mai endet. Der 64-jährige Dinew wird versuchen, die Gipfel..
The Bulgarian mountaineer Gospodin Dinev has left for Kathmandu on an expedition to climb 3 eight-thousanders in the Himalayas . He expects the expedition to end in May. Dinev, who is 64 years old, will try to climb the peaks of Annapurna - 8,091 m,..
Bulgarian climber Boyan Petrov has climbed the 10 th highest peak in the world Mount Annapurna I (8091 m) in the main Himalayan ridge in western Nepal, a peak also known as the deadliest on earth. This was his second attempt after an unsuccessful try..