Bis zum 7. Februar findet in Istanbul die 28. Internationale Tourismus- und Ferienmesse für das östliche Mittelmeer EMITT statt. Sie zählt zu den fünf größten Tourismusmessen der Welt. In diesem Jahr nehmen über 400 professionelle..
The flow of visitors to the Bulgarian stand at the 28th East Mediterranean International Tourism & Travel Exhibition EMITT does not stop. The exhibition is held until February 7 in Istanbul and is among the five largest tourism..
Ο Δήμος Νεσέμπαρ παρουσιάστηκε στην Άγκυρα στον τουρκικό τουριστικό κλάδο. Το Νεσέμπαρ πριν από 40 χρόνια συμπεριλήφθηκε στην παγκόσμια πολιτιστική και φυσική κληρονομιά της UNESCO και είναι ζωντανό μουσείο φύσης, πολιτισμού, παραδοσιακών επαγγελμάτων..
Due to the upcoming FIS Ski World Cup at the end of the week, accommodations in Bansko are booked for the entire month of February. There are tourists from several continents, including Israel, the BNR’s correspondent Keti Trencheva reported ...
Министерство туризма представит Болгарию на международной туристической выставке EMITT (East Mediterranean International Tourism & Travel Exhibition), которая откроется сегодня в Стамбуле. По традиции на форум съедутся десятки тысяч туристов и..
Ministerul Turismului va prezenta Bulgaria la expoziția internațională de turism EMITT (East Mediterranean International Tourism & Travel Exhibition), care se va deschide mâine la Istanbul. În mod tradițional, forumul reunește zeci de mii de turiști..
The Ministry of Tourism will present Bulgaria at the international tourism exhibition EMITT (East Mediterranean International Tourism & Travel Exhibition), which will open tomorrow in Istanbul. Traditionally, the forum gathers tens of thousands of..