Eмисия новини
от 15.00 часа
Paloma și Claude. Copertă de carte, 16.IV.1950

Expoziție în Sofia prezintă gravuri de Picasso

În această seară, la ora 18.00, galeria Kvadrat 500 din Sofia (parte din Galeria Națională), deschide o expoziție care prezintă din colecția Galeriei Naționale, douăzeci și una de printuri de Picasso (1881-1973).  Lucrările sunt legate tematic de..

08.01.25 10:30 |

"Christo - sanat ve renkler" teşhirinde dünyaca ünlü ressamın kişiliği hakkında az bilinenler gözler önüne seriliyor

Hristo Yavaşev-Christo sergisine yapılan yeni bağış, “Kvadrat 500” adlı Ulusal Galerinin koleksiyonu tamamlıyor. 2012 yılında Vladimir Chimov ve eşi, o dönemde Ulusal Yabancı Sanat Galerisi adını taşıyan galeriye Hristo Yavaşev-Christo'nun Ulusal..

14.01.24 06:05 |

Beyaz Baston Günü görme engellilerin problemlerini gündeme getiriyor

15 Ekim Beyaz Baston Günü inisyatifi ABD’den kaynaklanıyor. ABD devlet başkanı 1964 yılında bu konuda özel bir kararname çıkardı. Bunu müteakip Uluslararası Görme Engelliler Federasyonu Başkanı da 1970 yılında 15 Ekim tarihini Uluslararası Beyaz..

15.10.23 06:00 |

Η Εθνική Πινακοθήκη Kvadrat 500 αποτίει φόρο τιμής στον Βασίλ Λέβσκι

«Τι κι αν ήμασταν υπό τουρκική σκλαβιά; Τώρα οι άνθρωποι είναι διαφορετικοί, δεν φταίνε για την ιστορία και είναι καλό να τους βοηθάς» - λέει μια κοπέλα ορατής ηλικίας 14 ετών στη φίλη της. Γίνεται σαφές ότι η συνομιλία σχετίζεται με τον..

20.02.23 12:00 |

Ο μόνος μπροστά στον οποίο όλοι οι Βούλγαροι είναι ίσοι είναι ο Λέβσκι

Υπάρχουν πολλά ονόματα στο βουλγαρικό πάνθεο της ελευθερίας, αλλά ο Λέβσκι είναι ασύγκριτος στη μνήμη του λαού μας. Λίγοι αγαπιούνται τόσο δυνατά κι ανεπιφύλακτα όσο ο Λέβσκι, γιατί ο λαός χρειάζεται τον Απόστολο της Ελευθερίας όχι μόνο στα..

19.02.23 15:43 |

The Fairytale world of Lyuben Zidarov comes to life in the Kvadrat 500 art Gallery

Until March 26, residents and visitors of the capital have the opportunity to see the exhibition "The Fairytale World of Lyuben Zidarov" . It is hosted by the Kvadrat 500 artspave of the National Gallery. The show features 10 illustrations of the..

28.01.23 07:50 |

Two exhibitions celebrating 140th birth anniversary of Vladimir Dimitrov – The Master opening today

An exhibition “The image of the Master” opens at Kvadrat 500 (Square 500) National Gallery at 6 PM today, 19 May. The exhibition is dedicated to the 140 th birth anniversary of the classic of the fine arts, Vladimir Dimitrov – The Master..

19.05.22 06:30 |

Greek visual artist creates graffiti at Kvadrat 500 National Gallery

In the sculpture garden of the Kvadrat 500 (Square 500) National Gallery in Sofia, not far from works by renowned Bulgarian sculptors like Pavel Koychev, Krum Damyanov and Velislav Minekov, at this very moment a work of art is being born – a..

12.05.22 16:03 |
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