Gesundheitsminister Kyrill Ananiew nahm auf dem Sofioter Flughafen die erste Lieferung mit medizinischem Material aus China in Empfang, das nach einer Absprache zwischen dem bulgarischen Ministerpräsidenten Bojko Borisow und seinem chinesischen..
Premier Bojko Borissow hat sich telefonisch mit dem chinesischen Premierminister Li Keqiang über die Covid -19-Pandemie ausgetauscht. Borissow begrüßte China für die wirksamen Maßnahmen gegen die Krankheit und bedankte sich für die Hilfe, die es..
Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov held a phone conversation with his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic. Premier Borissov congratulated China for taking effective measures against the new coronavirus and for the assistance..
Presidenti Rumen Radev ishte i pranishëm në ceremoninë e hapjes së Forumit ekonomik botëror në Dalian, i njohur si “Davosi Veror”. Radevi mori pjesë në sesionin e quajtur “Dialogu ndërmjet ndërmarrjeve shtetërore kineze dhe autoriteteve bullgare”...
Me ftesën e kryetarit të Kinës Xi Jinping, që sot deri më 5 korrik Presidenti bullgar Rumen Radev është për vizitë shtetërore në Kinë. Me Xi Jinping dhe me kryetarin e Këshillit Shtetëror (kryeministrin) Li Keqiang Rumen Radev do të diskutojë..
Bulgaria and China maintain dynamic and friendly relations, especially after the 16+1 Summit held in Sofia last year, Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov said after the bilateral meeting with the Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of..
Bulgaria and China signed bilateral agreements in the energy, infrastructure, tourism and cultural exchange fields within the frameworks of the official visit ofthe Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang to Sofia...
Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov welcomed the Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang with official ceremony in front of the Monument to the Unknown Soldier in Sofia. Premier Borissov talked with his Chinese..
The Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang is to take part in a wreathe-laying ceremony at the Monument to the Unknown Soldier and pay a visit to the St. Sofia church, as part of his official welcoming ceremony to..