The Big Band of the Bulgarian National Radio , conducted by Antoni Donchev, starts its new season tonight with a concert in Studio 1 of the BNR. The programme features original music by Dimitar Bodurov - a Bulgarian pianist, composer and..
The brilliant German trombonist Carla Köllner will for the first time perform with the Bulgarian National Radio Big Band in the final concert of the season - on 27 June at 7 pm in the First Studio of the Bulgarian National Radio under the baton of..
În această seară, de la ora 19.00, Big Band-ul Radioului Național din Bulgaria dă startul stagiunii de concerte în Studioul nr. 1 al BNR, cu muzică de Andy Schofield, unul dintre cei mai de succes și consacrați muzicieni de jazz din Europa...
Bu akşam saat 19’da BNR Big Band orkestrası yeni müzik sezonunu radyonun “Dragan Tsankov” 4 adresindeki merkezinde Bir Numaralı Stüdyo salonunda Andy Schofield’in eserleriyle açacak. Andy Schofield Avrupa’nın en önde gelen jazz sanatçıları..
L’idée appartient au percussionniste Christo Yotsov, illustre interprète, compositeur, pédagogue, qui a mené avec brio des dizaines de projets de jazz. Sauf que cette fois-ci, il a eu l’idée de présenter une musique composée par un non..
“La música debe reflejar la vida para ser auténtica y sincera y para contar historias y llegar a quien la escucha”, esta convencido el instrumentista Ludmil Krumov . Como la mayoría de los músicos, sigue trabajando y comunicándose con el mundo..
Η μουσική πρέπει να αντανακλά τη ζωή, για να είναι αληθινή και ειλικρινής, να λέει ιστορίες και να αγγίζει - υποστηρίζει ο Λιουντμίλ Κρούμοφ . Σαν τους περισσότερους μουσικούς, ανεξάρτητα από το lockdown, εκείνος εξακολουθεί να εργάζεται..