Bulgarians' assessments of the past year in personal terms differ sharply from their views on the situation in the country and the world , according to a nationally representative survey conducted by polling agency Alpha Research between December 1 and..
Nearly 2/3 of Bulgarians said they were happy in 2024, while 26% responded negatively in the traditional end-of-year survey by Trend, commissioned by the 24 Chasa newspaper. Personal life, family, social circle and work are..
Most Bulgarians (60%) are optimistic about the future of the EU. The EU-wide figure is 65%, according to a Eurobarometer post-election survey published by the European Parliament. Positive attitudes towards the Community are also high - more..
Mai mult de jumătate dintre albanezi privesc cu optimism spre 2024 57% dintre albanezi cred că noul an 2024 va fi mai bun decât cel trecut, doar 11% îl privesc cu pesimism și 32% au așteptări neutre. După acest indicator, Albania se află..
„În ultimele zile, schimbările din Constituție, bugetul, politicile legate de semnele bune pentru Schengen ne dau încredere că eforturile noastre duc la succes și că oamenii simt că ne pasă de ei.” a declarat premierul. Nikolay Denkov înainte de..
A steady and higher turnout of 59%, compared to last October, has been recorded at the polling station in Christchurch, New Zealand. Along with the one in Auckland, these were the first polling stations to start Election Day as early as 19:00 GMT..
Only 14% of Bulgarians rate 2021 as good for Bulgaria, according to a study by Trend Agency, commissioned by the 24 Chasa daily. Despite the difficulties due to the Covid pandemic, 55% of respondents said they were happy in 2021. The youngest in the..
Statistics about Covid-19 morbidity in Bulgaria and abroad is quite dynamic. The economic crisis in this country, Europe and globally, which was caused by the coronavirus pandemic, is unpredictable and full of uncertainties. In this context,..