Taximetriștii din Sofia și-au început marșul de protest împotriva majorării asigurării obligatorii de răspundere civilă prin claxoane. În orele următoare aceștia, ei își vor manifesta nemulțumirea în fața tuturor instituțiilor statului. „Dorim un..
A partir du 1er janvier 2022 le tarif de jour des taxis à Sofia passera de 0,54 euros à 0,91 euros le kilomètre et le tarif de nuit de 0,62 euros à 1,12 euro le kilomètre. Cette décision a été prise aujourd'hui à une réunion du Conseil municipal de la..
Taxi drivers have gone out on a protest in Sofia demanding a raise in tariffs for passenger transport. They say they cannot maintain their cars and take care of their families due to low fares. Many of them have been forced to stop working. Their request..
The National Taxi Drivers Union demands the resignation of the director of the Executive Agency "Automobile Administration" Boyko Ranovski , BNR reported. The reason for the request is the suspension by the agency of the control in the case of unregulated..
The protest of the bus and taxi service companies and restaurateurs, prepared for tomorrow, with which the transport in the regional cities had to be stopped for two hours between 10 and 12 o'clock will not take place. Transport companies getting..
Almost all taxi companies in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia have already put their prices up because of the higher initial charge (by about 40 Eurocents) which comes into force on May 2. All taxi carriers are required to work with the new tariffs...
Presque toutes les compagnies de taxis à Sofia ont modifié leurs tarifs en vue de l’entrée en vigueur le 2 mai de la nouvelle prise en charge plus élevée d’environ 40 euro centimes. Dans le cas contraire, les conducteurs de taxis sont passibles..
The initial charge for getting a taxi could rise up to three times higher than the price per kilometer. This is what a new ordinance signed by Minister of Transport Rosen Zhelyazkov envisages. The change is related to the Road Transport Act...
Цените на таксиметровите услуги се увеличават заради промени в нормативната база. Днес транспортният министър подписа Наредбата за изменение и допълнение на Наредба № 34 за извършване на таксиметров превоз на..
La prise en charge du client des taxis sera jusqu’à trois fois supérieure au tarif pour le kilomètre. C’est ce que prévoit une ordonnance signée par le ministre du Transport Rossen Jéliazkov. La modification est en rapport avec la Loi des..