23 animated dragons have found a new home in Vazrazhdane Park in the Bulgarian capital Sofia in the first exhibition of its kind in Bulgaria. The concept and layout of the mythical creatures are Bulgarian, and the exhibition introduces visitors..
Bulgaristan'da ilk defa düzenlenen sergi çerçevesinde 23 animasyonlu ejderha, başkent Sofya’nın “Vazrajdane” Parkı'nda yer aldı. Bulgar tasarımcıların eseri olan efsanevi yaratıklar, ziyaretçilere, dünyanın dört bir yanından ejderhaları tanıtıyor...
In the early 20th century, a large part of the Bulgarian community in Azerbaijan moved to Ganja, the second largest city in the country, which is a place with a rich and ancient history. "The large Bulgarian community has preserved its..
Azerbaycan'daki Bulgar toplumunun büyük bir kısmı, 20. yüzyılın başlarında, zengin bir tarihe sahip, ülkenin en büyük ikinci şehri olan Gence 'y a taşın ır. Bulgar Mariya Hüseynova: "Bulgar toplumu, tüm bu yıllar boyunca dili, kültürü ve..
The first hours of the New Year in Bulgaria begin with the custom of “survakane” - a ritual tour around the village by a group of children or bachelors who carry a specially decorated wooden twig called "survachka" and pat wit it family..
1942 yılında Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry – Chicago Bilim ve Endüstri Müzesi şehrin etnik toplulukları tarafından süslenen farklı Noel ağaçlarını sergileme geleneği başlatıyor. Böyle bir sergide ilk defa Bulgar Noel ağacının sergilendiği yıl..
In 1942, one of the largest science museums in the world, Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry, began the tradition of displaying Christmas trees decorated by the city’s ethnic communities. А Bulgarian Christmas tree was presented for the..
When Victoria Vlahovska moved to Reading, UK, it turned out that the Bulgarian school that her daughter was supposed to attend to study her native language was more than an hour’s drive away. However, the Bulgarian diaspora in Reading is large,..
There are dozens of people who have written about Sofia - the city that "grows but does not age." The city full of traditions, preserving the memory of past times. The city, which has been developing fast and rapidly becoming a modern European..
For more than 40 years Rumyana Pencheva has been collecting authentic old household items crafted in Bulgaria through the years. Now she is owner of what is probably the biggest private collection of household articles in the country. Looking..
“ ТЕ REM – Han Krum ” zırhlı araç fabrikası işçileri, hak ettikleri maaşların ödenmesi ve iş imkanı sağlanmasını talep ederek, Sofya – Varna..
Bakanlar Kurulu’nda yapılan Güvenlik Konseyi toplantısının sona ermesinin ardından açıklama yapan Başbakan Rosen Jelyazkov, “Adil ve kalıcı bir..
Bulgaristan Ulusal Televizyonu BNT’ye konuşan Çalışma ve Sosyal Politika Bakanı Borislav Gutsanov, “Paskalya ikramiyesi için ısrar edeceğim...