For years it has been a tradition in Bulgarian political practice for any newly appointed foreign minister to pay their first visit abroad to Brussels. Ekaterina Zaharieva did not stray from this practice and on 15 and 16 May met with the..
En la práctica política de Bulgaria es tradición, desde hace años, que cada nuevo ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de este país haga su primera visita al exterior a Bruselas. Así lo ha hecho también Ekaterina Zajarieva, ministra búlgara de Exteriores,..
A huge increase of the number of sick-leaves at the expense of the Bulgarian employers and the National Social Security Institute has been registered in the recent years, Sega daily informs on its first pages on Monday based on information of the..
Yeni hükümet daha dün yapılan ilk oturumunda AP üyesi Maria Gabriel’i AB Komisyonu üyeliğine aday gösterdi. Adaylık, bundan sonra Avrupa Parlamentosu’nda oylanacak, fakat kısa sürede onay alma ihtimalinin yüksek olduğu şimdiden biliniyor. Yani..
At its first meeting yesterday, the new government of Boyko Borisov nominated MEP Maria Gabriel for EU commissioner. The sphere of responsibilities of the new commissioner is not known yet, but is expected to be announced next week. The..
Ya en su primera reunión, el miércoles 10 de mayo, el nuevo Gobierno de Boiko Borisov nominó a comisario europeo a la eurodiputada búlgara, María Gabriel. Se desconoce todavía la cartera que tendrá ella, pues se espera que la misma sea anunciada la..
Halk Meclisi’nde yeni hükümetin yapısı ve üyeleri onaylandı. Ülkeyi yine GERB lideri Boyko Borisov’un başını çektiği bir koalisyon kabinesi yönetecek. Önceki hükümette GERB’in ortağı sağ Reformcu Blok olurken şimdi Birleşmiş Vatanseverler koalisyonu..
El 4 de mayo el Parlamento aprobó la estructura y la composición del nuevo Gobierno de Bulgaria. Este país vuelve a tener un Gabinete de coalición, presidido por Boiko Borisov, líder del partido GERB. A diferencia de la vez anterior, cuando fue socio..
On May 4 Bulgaria’s National Assembly has approved the structure and the members of the country’s new cabinet. Bulgaria will be governed again by a coalition cabinet headed by GERB leader Boyko Borissov. Unlike last time, when the right-wing..
On the day of the last sitting of Bulgaria’s caretaker cabinet the printed media accentuate on the assessments of Premier Gerdzhikov and the caretaker ministers about their short mandate. Ognyan Gerdzhikov pointed out that unemployment in..
Am Samstag wird am Vormittag stellenweise, vor allem in der Donauebene, die Sicht eingeschränkt sein. Die Tiefsttemperaturen werden bei minus 3°C..
Fast 19 Prozent von mehr als 800 befragten bulgarischen Berufstätigen waren an ihrem Arbeitsplatz Opfer sexueller Belästigung, 90 Prozent der Opfer waren..
Am Internationalen Frauentag stellen wir Ihnen eine Bulgarin mit einer beeindruckenden Ausbildung und sozialem und politischem Engagement vor, die..