The traditional German Christmas market in Sofia has already started offering warmth for the soul and a way to escape from stress. The location is Sofia’s City Garden near Ivan Vazov National Theater and the market opens at 6 pm on November 22...
For years two young ladies have been collecting funny stories from their work as bookstore keepers. They have published these funny stories in anew book entitled, “A Guy Walks into a Bookstore… and All the Funny Stories that Follow Next."..
Yıllarca kitapçılık yapan iki genç kadın, iş ortamında yaşadıkları, müşterilerle olan deneyimlerinden ilginç ve eğlenceli olanları bir kitapta toplayıp, kitabın ismini "Adamın biri kitapçıya girer ve olaylar gelişir” koydular. Desislava Jeleva..
“Dijital teknolojilerin eğitimi ve gelişimi, Bulgaristan’ın Avrupa Birliği dönem başkanlığının ana unsurları arasında yer alıyor.” diye anlatıyor Bulgaristan’ın AB daimi başkanlığı üyesi Yasen Gyurov. “Yaratmak için eğitim: dijital kullanıcılardan..
"Education and development of digital technologies are among the main focuses of the Bulgarian Presidency," said Yassen Gyurov, Chair of the Education Committee under the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. It was education that was..
La educación y el desarrollo de las tecnologías digitales están entre los acentos de la Europresidencia de Bulgaria – comenta Yasen Giurov, miembro de la presidencia permanente de Bulgaria adjunta a la Unión Europea. Precisamente la educación fue el..
Bulgaristan Kızıl Haç örgütünün başkentteki merkezi bu yılki “Mezuniyet balosuna t-shirtle gidelim” sloganıyla gerçekleştirilen yeni yardım kampanyası dönemini resmen başlattı. “Mezuniyet balosuna t-shirtle gidelim” kampanyası, artık 5 yıldır..
La Cruz Roja Búlgara de Sofía ha inaugurado oficialmente la nueva temporada de la campaña benéfica “Con camiseta en la fiesta de graduación 2018”. Este es el quinto año consecutivo en que se desarrolla este programa enfocado a una mejor educación de..
Sofia’s organization of the Bulgarian Red Cross has officially unveiled the new season of the #steniskanabala charity campaign. The program is taking place for the 5th year in a row and is aimed at the better education of young people in an..
Today we are to tell you the interesting story of Bulgarian archaeologist and philatelist Konstantin Penkov who has been searching for the world’s most expensive and valuable post stamps. Konstantin managed to turn his hobby into his job. He..
"Existe una tendencia persistente hacia la reducción y el control de la presión migratoria", dijo a bTV el director de la Dirección de la Policía..
Ha sido detenido el hombre que anoche agredió a los meteorólogos de guardia Rumiana Zlatanova y Gueorgui Zlatanov en la estación del pico Murgásh, según..
Del 9 al 11 de marzo de 2025, el Inter Expo Center de Sofía abre sus puertas a la 41.ª edición de la Holiday & SPA Expo. El evento, organizado con..