Kesin olmayan istatistiğe göre Kıbrıs’ta yaşayan soydaşlarımızın sayısı 50 ile 70 bin arasında. Çoğu ülkedeki kalışlarını gurbet olarak algılayıp günlerden bir gün Bulgaristan’a dönecekleri düşüncesiyle yaşıyor. Bu sebepten dolayı çocuklarının..
According to unofficial statistics, Bulgarians living on the island of Cyprus number between 50 and 70 thousand. Many of them perceive their stay in the country as a period of temporary work abroad for profit or livelihood, and live with the..
Si alguna vez nos sentimos abatidos y buscamos justificaciones para el destino nacional del pueblo búlgaro, sería bueno invocar la imagen de una de las heroínas de las guerras libertadoras de los búlgaros que lucharon por la igualdad de géneros en..
Toujours en quête de sa propre identité, la Bulgarie pourrait puiser dans l’imaginaire candide des enfants. La Bulgarie vue à travers le langage, les couleurs et la musique, c’est ainsi que les enfants bulgares de l’étranger l’ont imaginée dans le..
Bulgaria has once again leaned over an abyss, trying to see the traces of another unique Bulgarian model. But instead of constantly looking for ourselves, this time we can look at that pure, idealized image of Bulgaria alive in the imagination of our..
On July 27, the day when Bulgarians pay honor to the spiritual and educational work of the Seven Apostles ( Sveti Sedmochislenitsi ), the Association of Bulgarian Schools Abroad celebrated its fifteenth anniversary with a solemn conference in..
Aziz Sedmoçislenitsi’nin manevi ve eğitim çalışmalarını andığımız 27 Temmuz’da yurt dışındaki Bulgar okulları derneği Sofya’da düzenlenen konferans ile 15. kuruluş yılını kaydetti. ‘Vatanımızdaki halk gibi dünyaya yayılan soydaşlarımız da kendi..
To put on the eyes of a Renaissance man, take a peek into modernity and lose oneself into the swirling depths of one's imaginary world - this amalgam of past, present and imaginary is conjured up by the magical touch of artist Lil i ana..
In moments of crisis, when a nation is oppressed and desperate, it usually looks back to the past, to history, to find an explanation for why it has been subjected to such an ordeal. Then this nation needs t he bright memory of all those..
Puiser dans son propre imaginaire en observant le présent avec les yeux de l’homme de la Renaissance : un tel amalgame d’époques et de phantasmes caractérise l’exposition “Appropriation de regards” de la peintre Lilyana Dvoryanova à la galerie “Etude” à..
La Junta Electoral Central ha anunciado la distribución definitiva de los escaños en la 51.ª Asamblea Nacional tras las elecciones parlamentarias..
El líder del Movimiento por Derechos y Libertades-Nuevo inicio Delyan Peevski ha declarado que convoca una conferencia nacional extraordinaria el 22 de..
Según el Código Electoral, la Junta Electoral Central no tiene derecho a corregir los resultados de la votación debido a errores en el recuento de votos..