Sofya’da 12 ve 13 Ekim’de EBU- Avrupa Radyo Televizyon Kurumları Birliği’nin Hukuk Asamblesi düzenlendi. BNR forumun ev sahipliğini yaptı. Etkinliğe 27 ülkeden 40 medya kurumundan 80 delege katıldı. Programda dijital ortamda kamu medyası yönetimine..
On 12 and 13 October, the 14th Legal & Public Affairs Assembly of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) was held in Sofia. More than 80 delegates of 40 media organizations from 27 countries arrived for the forum hosted by the Bulgarian..
Los pasados días 12 y 13 de octubre se celebró en Sofía la XIV Asamblea Jurídica de la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión , UER. Radio Nacional de Bulgaria ha sido anfitriona de la conferencia en la que han participado más de 80 delegados de 40..
An energetic American woman from Boston might turn out to be the keenest person worldwide where Bulgarian authentic folklore is concerned. Her passion to collect songs dates back to her years in college, where she studied Russian Language and..
Martha Forsythe ABD’nin Boston şehrinden. Martha'nın Bulgar folkloruna ilgisinin ve sevgisinin tarihi üniversitede Slav dilleri bölümünde okumaya başladığından beridir. Öğretmenlerinden biri kendisine Bulgaristan'da otantik folklor konusunda bilgi..
Martha Forsyth est l’ambassadrice américaine du folklore bulgare depuis plus de 40 ans. Elle découvre son intérêt pour les chants polyphoniques bulgare à l’université, lorsqu’elle étudie les lettres et la langue russe et s’inscrit dans un..
Bistra Johnson ünlü Bulgar mimar urbanist Yordan Tangırov’un(1928-2015) kızı. Günümüzde Paris’te oturuyor. Son yuıllarda kitaplar üzerinde çalışıyor. En yeni kitabımın başlığı ‘The City That Does Not Age: The History of Sofia’ - Yaşlanmayan şehir:..
Bistra Johnson est écrivain, ingénieur de profession et fille du grand architecte bulgare Yordan Tangarov (1928-2015). Elevée au milieu de projets et croquis de bâtiments, elle commence sa carrière en tant qu’ingénieur. Actuellement, elle vit à..
A Bulgarian by descent, Bistra Johnson is based in Paris and has given much time to her writing career. She recently released an English-language book The City That Does Not Age: The History of Sofia. It offers readers a journey into the..
Sometimes before talking literature we have to talk some politics. Time of parting has descended on Europe in the wake of 2015 Paris attacks and the New Year sex mobs in Cologne, Hamburg and elsewhere, all linked to an..
Voluntarios participan en la limpieza y el restablecimiento del monasterio san Spas en proximidad a la cumbre de Bákadzhik. La acción se organiza el 2 de..
La elección de presidente de la Asamblea Nacional decidirá si habrá negociaciones para formar un Gobierno. El parlamentarismo exige que el presidente sea..
Dios ha dotado a los humanos con la increíble cualidad de soñar, y nosotros soñábamos que en el Museo Getty se oyera en búlgaro la noticia de la..