"I started working as a teacher in France, but I was bored. I started looking around – where could I go as a history and geography teacher? A vacancy appeared in Bulgaria." And so in 2007, Vincent Dupuy, a recent university graduate, set off for a..
The scent of cinnamon, cookies and pine, the satisfaction of looking at the crisp tablecloth and shiny cutlery, the cosy feeling of a bright new beginning on January 1st - what would all this be without the Vienna Philharmonic's New Year's Concert?..
The long-awaited premiere of Ballet Arabesque's The Dante Secret has captivated Bulgarian cultural circles and become the focus of discussion since the end of the last theatre season. The production is created by an extremely strong artistic team,..
St. Sophia - the church that gave the Bulgarian capital its present-day name - is dwarfed by St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral , which towers in the centre of the square of the same name. With its white façade, gleaming gold and green domes and beautiful..
L’année dernière, un personnage surprenant a rejoint le chœur féminin de musique traditionnelle "Shevitsa"/dentelle/ à Sofia : le chanteur d’un groupe de heavy metal canadien a pris sa place à côté des altos. Fabrice Petit a quitté son travail de rêve..
Last September, the all-female choir of the Bulgarian folklore ensemble Shevitsa in Sofia had a surprising new addition: a young man, tattoos and all, the lead singer of a Canadian heavy metal band, who sat neatly next to the last girl on..
Lent begins today. Traditionally, in the days before this period of austerity and spiritual reflection begins, Kukeri carnivals are held in many parts of the country . The village of Dedevo in the Rhodopes celebrated Zadushnitsa, or All..
¿Quiénes fueron los primeros orfebres del mundo? Los tracios, que habitaron tierras búlgaras desde la Edad de Bronce hasta la época de los emperadores romanos, fueron, sin duda, unos de ellos. Y ¿sabían que hay más de 80 tesoros tracios en museos y..
Qui étaient les premiers orfèvres du monde ? Les Thraces en font certainement partie. Ils ont vécu sur les terres bulgares depuis l’âge du bronze jusqu’à l’époque des empereurs romains. Et saviez-vous qu’il existe plus de 80 trésors thraces dans..
Who were the world's first goldsmiths? The Thracians, who inhabited Bulgarian lands from the Bronze Age to the time of the Roman emperors, were certainly among them. And did you know that there are more than 80 Thracian treasures in museums and..
"Frío, crujen maderas y piedras, pasamos hambre durante dos o tres días, ¡y él canta y siempre está alegre! Por la noche, hasta que nos acostamos, canta;..
"Ni un solo soldado búlgaro irá a Ucrania". Así lo ha declarado el líder del GERB, Boyko Borisov, en un vídeo publicado en su página de Facebook. Ha..
Hoy, en el centro de Sofía, se celebrará una ceremonia conmemorativa para marcar el 152º aniversario de la muerte de Vasil Levski. El acto, que tendrá..