La orquesta de jazz más longeva y más prestigiosa de este país nació en un entorno musical multicultural. Recién creada, la orquesta inspiró a una multitud de compositores búlgaros que empezaron a componer música pop y dancística para el repertorio del..
Hace pocos días Lili Bogdanova presentó su primer álbum en solitario denominado “La niña de los cabello de lino”, como es el título de una de las piezas incluidas en la colección. El nombre del disco presenta un matiz personal, ya que el pelo de la..
“Before the Big Band was created original Bulgarian music was unheard of, I mean popular and dance music. Even the songs bands would sing in restaurants were performed in the original language, without translation. When the Big Band..
« Avant l’apparition du Big Band, il était absurde d’imaginer un quelconque développement d’une musique bulgare contemporaine. La plupart des chansons interprétées dans les restaurants ou en live étaient des reprises dans les langues..
1993 yılında koreograf Asen Pavlov’un girişimiyle kurulan “Çinari” grubu, ülkemizde ilk özel folklor ekiplerinden biri olma özelliğini taşıyor. Yıllar içinde birkaç dev proje hazırlayan grup, ABD, Almanya, Fransa, Sırbistan, Moldova, İtalya, Güney Kore..
İki film ve bir tiyatro monolog oyunu Başkentin ünlü “Odeon” sinemasında gösterime girecek. İzleyicilerle aradaki temas, alışagelmişin çok ötesinde olacak, standart dışı bir oyun. Liza Boeva ve ünlü oyuncu İtsko Fintsi’nin ortak yapımı eserleri böyle..
Two films and one dramatic monologue will be presented at the Odeon cinema in Sofia tonight. What the audiences will see and hear will, no doubt, be a far cry from commonplace standards, in light of the fact that the works are by Lisa..
Set up in 1993 at the idea of choreographer Assen Pavlov, the Chinari ensemble is one of the first private folk groups in this country. Over the years the formation had several successful productions, it toured the US, Germany, France,..
Crée en 1993 à l’idée du chorégraphe Assen Pavlov, l’ensemble Tchinari est un des premiers ensembles folkloriques privés en Bulgarie. Au fil des années, la formation a présenté quelques spectacles à succès, a été en tournée aux USA, Allemagne,..
By a tradition, the National Jazz Meeting in Rousse takes place at the end of November. It is the oldest jazz festival in the country, founded by the legendary saxophone and clarinet player Petar Petrov, known as Parcheto..
Възпитаниците на Българското неделно училище "Иван Вазов" в Париж и техните татковци са подготвили специална програма с изненади за своите майки по повод..
Наричаме март "женски месец", не само защото свързваме променливото време с образа на капризната "Баба Марта", която бързо сменя настроението си, а и..
Във времена на турбуленции, промени и повтарящи се истории от миналото, с настъпването на най-женския месец март отново заговаряме за равнопоставеността..