The Philip Koutev National Folk Song and Dance Ensemble is one of the country’s musical symbols. Thousands are the concerts, dozens are the countries where the singers, instrumentalists and dancers have held audiences in rapture. We..
La original música de autor de Dimitar Bodurov siempre logra atraer la atención no sólo del público, sino también la de músicos de mucha experiencia. En sus composiciones en joven pianista se aferra a las melodías y al complicado ritmo del folklore..
‘ Fi lip Kutev ” Ulusal Halk Dans ve Türkü Topluluğu onlarca yıl ülkemizin müzik simgelerinden biridir. Verdiği konserlerin sayısı binlerce, seyircileri coşturdukları ülke sayısı onlarca.Hatta müzik ve folklor sanatını birleştiren ilk devlet topluluğu..
The original music created by jazzman Dimitar Bodurov is always prompt in grabbing the attention of audiences, and of his colleagues too. In his works, the young pianist displays notable closeness to the melodies and patterns of the Bulgarian folklore..
Daniela Dimitrova, “Güzel Bulgaristanımız” derneğinin hem kurucusu hem başkanıdır. “Ülkenin ekonomik gelişmesi için en doğru yol turizimden geçiyor. Fakat, bu alanın gelişmesini sağalayan herşey bilinçten, süreklikten, uzun vadeli planlamadan geçiyor ve..
“La mejor manera para desarrollar la economía del país es el turismo. Sin embargo, todo lo que implica el desarrollo de este negocio debe hacerse con conocimientos, de un modo consecutivo y con un plan a largo plazo. Y no en último lugar, con amor”,..
“The best road to Bulgaria's economic development is tourism. But everything related to boosting this business should be done with knowledge, consistency, and long-term planning. And last but not least - with love”, believes Daniela Dimitrova,..
“Vivo en Francia desde hace décadas, pero siempre he llevado Bulgaria en mi corazón. No dejo de interesarme por la vida musical de Bulgaria y nunca he cortado este lazo”, son palabras de la violinista Ventsislava Shoikova. Ventsislava Shoikova..
“I have been living in France for decades, but have always carried Bulgaria in my heart. I always keep up with musical life in the country, that is a bond I have never severed,” says violinist Ventsislava Shoikova. She has given solo concerts at..
Sluzhba (a service), Svetets (a saint) or Kurban (a meal offering) is a feast in honor of a Christian saint who has been chosen to be a patron of the family, the craftsman’s fellowship, etc. It is popular in all Bulgarian districts, yet..
На 5 март Православната ни църква чества паметта на светите мъченици Йоан Българин и Конон. Св. Йоан бил родом от България . По някакъв случай..
Байсе Касъмларлъ е начална учителка. Тя е от онези педагози, за които работата с деца е не просто професия, а призвание. Казва, че малчуганите й дават..
На 6 март отбелязваме паметта на светите 42-ма мъченици в Амория и св. Аркадий. Тези християнски мъченици били военачалници и пострадали..