Starting today until the end of the week, one of the halls of Opera de Lyon has been let to Mario Stantchev. The famous pianist and composer has been invited there to present some of his projects. On stage l’Amphi Opera he teams up with..
The 10 th edition of the Young Virtuosos international contest gathers about 130 instrumentalists, still studying at high school. In the period March 24 – 30 those will compete in three categories – piano, flute and clarinet. There are..
İnsanlar eski zamanlarda koruma ve tedavi için farklı yöntemler kullanıyormuş. Söz konusu yöntemler, onları görülmeyen, gizli güçlerden korumaları gerekiyormuş. Bunlara arasında farklı adaklar, dilekler yer alıyor. Sağlık nasıl korunur- ruh ve..
Knowing full well that the tangible and the intangible world are inextricably bound up, people living in the Bulgarian lands made use of various methods of protection and healing. Performed in the visible world, they had to invoke the..
A true celebration of Bulgarian identity and love for this country will be organized by our compatriots living in the London borough of Enfield. On March 22, they will launch the spring festival of Bulgarian folklore and traditions...
Pancho Vladigerov, gran compositor, pianista y pedagogo búlgaro, fue una de las personalidades más influyentes de Bulgaria en la época del siglo XX. Su voluminosa obra incluye unos 70 opus, entre los cuales hay piezas que forman la base de nuestra..
Renowned Bulgarian composer, pianist and lecturer Pancho Vladigerov is one of the most prominent Bulgarian names of the 20 th century. His numerous works, numbering around 70 opuses have left a mark in musical history. They..
“The music in our lands shows how close we are. It is the unique brand of the Balkans that makes us different from other cultures across the world”, argues Dimitar Hristov, conductor of the Bulgarian National Radio folk music band. An original..
Conscientes de la unidad indisoluble de lo material y lo inmaterial, lo mismo que muchos otros pueblos, el búlgaro aplicaba tradicionalmente diferentes métodos mágicos para protegerse del mal y de las fuerzas invisibles. Los ritos mágicos se..
I Want to Say is like the beginning of a sentence and its completion can take various directions. Shepherd’s flute player Nedyalko Nedyalkov has selected this title for his solo album to suggest the variety of themes and styles that it..
На 4 март Православната ни църква чества паметта на светите Павел и Иулиания, а също и на преподобни Герасим Павел и Иулиания били брат и..
На 3 март честваме Деня на освобождението на България от османско иго. Почитаме паметта и на светите мъченици Евтропий, Клеоник и Василиск ,..
Историята е география във времето – казва Наполеон Бонапарт. Малцина знаят, че победите на този военен гений се дължат и на неговата изключително добра..