Bread and wine are so pure that there is no evil to mar their sanctity. They are used for komka, or communion. Magic cannot affect bread and wine. We have to revisit these traditional notions every time we talk about a myriad of rituals in..
Christiane Karam was born in Beirut which is where her father comes from. She started playing the piano at a very young age. She received the first lessons from her mother - an Armenian born in the Lebanese capital. Today she sings jazz, pop..
On the occasion of the 100 th birth anniversary of the legendary folk singer Boris Mashalov, a prize in his name has been established. It will be awarded to the winners in an upcoming competition, as well as renowned folk artists who have..
El pan y el vino son absolutamente puros y no hay mal que pueda infringir el hecho de que son sagrados. Los dos sirven para preparar la eucaristía, en el cristianismo ortodoxo. Hemos de recordar esto siempre cuando hablamos de los múltiples ritos en..
Hace algún tiempo Diana Dafova ofreció a los amigos de Radio Bulgaria algunas canciones muy recientes que estaba preparando para su nuevo álbum, denominado Un Mundo en armonía, y que ya ha ocupado su lugar entre las colecciones de sus fans...
“Burada kıyı, orada kıyı, ortada –beyaz kar” Nedir O? Ekmek, o kadar kutsaldır ki, hiçbir kötülük onun kutsallığını bozamaz. Ekmek ile büyü de yapılamıyor. Ekmeğin dahil olduğu her türlü gelenek ve adetlerden ve onların hazırlanmasında kullanılan ev..
En mayo de 2014 se cumplen 100 años del nacimiento de Boris Hristov, uno de los más grandes cantantes líricos del siglo XX. Sus espléndidas interpretaciones escénicas forman parte de la historia de la música universal. G enerosamente dotado de una..
“I have been there, mother, I have seen pretty Yambol girls,” goes a song – one of the most famous from the repertoire of Velichka Stambolova. Born in Straldja, near the town of Yambol, she is known most of all for singing songs..
La hazaña y la figura de Levski siempre ha emocionado profundamente a los artífices de la música nacional: desde los cantores anónimos a lo largo de los siglos hasta los más queridos y apreciados maestros contemporáneos. Todos ellos han dedicado,..
Sometime ago world music star Dyana Dafova presented to the friends of Radio Bulgaria a few of her latest songs intended for her new album. Its name is One World in Harmony and it is already in the collections of her fans. “I’ve..
На 4 март Православната ни църква чества паметта на светите Павел и Иулиания, а също и на преподобни Герасим Павел и Иулиания били брат и..
На 3 март честваме Деня на освобождението на България от османско иго. Почитаме паметта и на светите мъченици Евтропий, Клеоник и Василиск ,..
Историята е география във времето – казва Наполеон Бонапарт. Малцина знаят, че победите на този военен гений се дължат и на неговата изключително добра..