Desislava es una cantante exitosa, periodista televisiva, presentadora de un programa de música tradicional en el Centro Regional de la Televisión Nacional Búlgara en Blagoevgrad. Se ha graduado por la Escuela Nacional de Artes Folclóricas en la..
Essential element and a symbol of earthly life, water holds a special place in the mythology of all peoples. Its purification and blessing force is present in the various religious systems of the world. For Bulgarians water is a symbol of..
Hayatın simgesi olan, su, tüm halk mitolojilerde yer alıyor. Şifa gücüne sahip su, dünyada tüm dini sistemlerin bir parçasıdır. Bizler için su, temizliğin ve dünya ile ahiret arasında bir araçtır. Su, tedavi gücüne sahip olurken kötülüğü kovuyor ve yolunu..
"Because of such voices it is worth writing music,” once a Japanese composer said after listening to the Cosmic Voices Choir of Bulgaria. Let’s listen to one of the choir’s performances. The choir will remember the past year with several new projects...
Narechenski Bani (Narechen Baths) is a balneo resort with breathtaking nature and mineral springs with curative waters wedged in between two hills in the central part of the southern Bulgarian mountain of the Rhodopes. The three sources of mineral water..
Cordiales saludos desde las Termas de Narechen, solía rezar el mensaje sobre las tarjetas postales con que en la era pre-Internet los veraneantes y turistas, en general, acostumbraban saludar a familiares y amigos desde aquel atractivo lugar. Las postales..
Pretty, motley and quite complex, Bulgarian embroidery is one of the highest achievements of traditional culture. Like other Bulgarian crafts, it harbours symbols and meanings, established far back in time. Most Bulgarian homes have kept to the..
На 4 март Православната ни църква чества паметта на светите Павел и Иулиания, а също и на преподобни Герасим Павел и Иулиания били брат и..
На 3 март честваме Деня на освобождението на България от османско иго. Почитаме паметта и на светите мъченици Евтропий, Клеоник и Василиск ,..
На 3 март празнуваме 147 години от Освобождението на България след петвековно османско владичество. Денят е обявен за национален празник през 1990 г. с..