Dimo del grupo P.I.F. es una persona que no puede ser olvidada. No obstante que vivió y creó sus canciones de una manera humilde, sin darse demasiada importancia y siempre al lado de sus colegas, él dejó muchas huellas tras de sí: personas que lo quieren,..
Según una antigua creencia popular, todos los vientos nacen en vísperas de la Navidad y son bautizados en el Día de los Reyes Magos, en enero. En el folclore búlgaro los vientos tienen distintos nombres, dependiendo de la dirección en que soplan. El..
MusicArtissimo Fest opens on 15 May at the Sofia city art gallery with “Solo” - the first title on the programme of the new chamber music forum featuring solo violin pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, Niccolo Paganini, Eugène Ysaÿe and André..
“I love Bulgaria. I miss our beautiful nature and I even miss the Bulgarian mentality”, says Lubomir Gospodinov whose professional path has been associated with Vienna for more than three decades. Lubomir Gospodinov is a remarkable..
A veces manso y dócil, en otras ocasiones terco, el burro lleva al menos 5.000 años, y probablemente más, como ayudante fiel del ser humano. Si uno se pone a hurgar en los “cuentos de burros”, comprobará regocijado que este cuadrúpedo trabajador..
Sometimes it is quiet and obedient and sometimes it is stubborn. The donkey has been a staunch helper to man for at least 5,000 years, or even more. Modern farmers treat this hard-working animal good. However, the number of this animal..
Bazen uysal ve söz dinleyen, bazen inadı tutan, ama durmadan 5000 yıldan beri insanın yardımcısıdır eşekler. Yerel “eşek” öykülerine dönersek bu çalışkan hayvan bizim topraklarda hep rağbet gördüğünü anlarız. Fakat dünya çapında eşek popülasyonu..
The Day of the Bulgarian Army, the Orthodox and folklore St. George's Day, the 6 th day of May adds yet another reason for celebration for music lovers around the world - on this date, 80 years ago, the great Bulgarian opera singer Ghena..
70 years ago, exactly on the International Labour Day, was the first concert of the State Folklore Ensemble which today bears the name of its founder Philip Kutev. The decree on its creation was issued much earlier, but it took months to..
It is a privilege to know and meet Verka Siderova whose songs bring great happiness to generations of Bulgarians. Her name is included in music textbooks and she has left a lasting mark in the history of the “Filip Kutev” National Folklore..
Възпитаниците на Българското неделно училище "Иван Вазов" в Париж и техните татковци са подготвили специална програма с изненади за своите майки по повод..
Във времена на турбуленции, промени и повтарящи се истории от миналото, с настъпването на най-женския месец март отново заговаряме за равнопоставеността..
Днес, 8 март, Православната църква отбелязва т. нар. Тодорова събота. В съботния ден на първата седмица на Великия пост възпоменаваме..