"Explore Bulgaria" est le tout nouveau projet de National Geographic Channel, qui promet de présenter une partie du patrimoine historique et naturel de Bulgarie vu par quatre explorateurs bulgares. Deux des membres de l’expédition seront sélectionnés..
When winter starts storming and the weather gets freezing cold, it is time for heated wine and bacon. Hot and spicy meals also become popular, because they make the blood flow faster and chase away all viruses. Beans and bacon casserole is among..
Dışarda kış saltanatını sürdürdüğü, ağaç ve taşın soğuktan çatladığı günlerde tam acılı ve baharatlı yemek zamanı geldi çattı demektir, çünkü bu yemekler hem kanı hızlandırıyor” hem de virüsleri uzak tutuyor. Tüm baklagillerde olduğu gibi, fasulye de..
In this era of technology people have been becoming more alienated. Thanks to modern communication, distances are no longer an obstacle, however, more and more people sink into loneliness. No longer have people known their neighbors, and meetings..
En esta era de las tecnologías, en que las nociones de tiempo y espacio cobran nuevas dimensiones, la gente se vuelve cada vez más alienada. Gracias a las comunicaciones, la distancia ya no es ninguna barrera pero cada día nos hundimos más y más..
L’exposition “Paris - magie fantastique” rassemble les œuvres de deux artistes éminentes - Milena Jojic et Anne de Colbert-Christophorov. Le vernissage a eu lieu tout récemment à l’Assemblée nationale, à l’initiative du président du groupe d’amitié..
“Paris – një magji përrallore” mbledh në një ekspozitë piktoret e njohura MIlena Joniç dhe An djo Kolber-Hristoforov. Ekspozita e hap para pak kohe në Klubin e deputetit në Parlamentin bullgar me iniciativë të kryetares së Grupit për miqësi..
“Paris – the magic fairytale” is an exhibition bringing together works by renowned artists Milena Yoic and Anne de Colbert – Christophorov. The exposition opened recently at the Bulgarian National Assembly MP Club on the initiative of Tatyana..
Al igual que gran parte de sus coetáneos veinteañeros, Axinia Peicheva desea y cree que podría vivir en un mundo mejor, sin violencia y sin dolor; un mundo en el que las personas serían bien intencionadas, sonrientes y, lo más importante, responsables..
Just like most of her coevals, Aksinia Peycheva, 20, wants to believe that she can live in a better world, with no violence or pain. A world of smiling and good-hearted people, who are above all responsible not only to their social engagements,..