Eмисия новини
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author: Albena Bezovska

Three anniversaries related to Dobri Voynikov’s life and work marked in Shumen

This year Bulgaria marks the 185th anniversary of the birth of teacher, playwright and journalist from the period of the Bulgarian National Revival, Dobri Voynikov, as well as 160 years since the founding of the first Bulgarian student’s choir..

23.11.18 14:40 |

Alarma Punk Jazz celebrates 10th anniversary

The Alarma Punk Jazz Festival, organized by the Bulgarian National Radio, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. The foundation of the festival is a radio broadcast and a radio host – Tsvetan Tsvetanov: “I have been a radio host for 25..

22.11.18 16:41 |

Música extraña y maravillosa

El festival “Alarma Punk Jazz”, organizado por el programa “Hristo Botev” de Radio Nacional Búlgara, celebra este año su 10º aniversario. Está basado en una emisión radiofónica y un locutor de radio con una breve carrera como músico, Tsvetan Tsvetanov:..

22.11.18 16:06 |

Kamen Chanev: "I am an ordinary person who loves his work"

This evening the second performance of "Pagliacci" takes place - a joint production of the Stara Zagora Opera and Balkanski Circus. Kamen Chanev, who is one of the most remarkable Bulgarian tenors, is in the role of Canio. After 25 years on..

20.11.18 16:18 |

Kamen Chanev: “Soy un hombre común y corriente al que le gusta su trabajo”

El 20 de noviembre es el día en que se produce la segunda función de la ópera Pagliacci (Payasos), una producción conjunta de la Ópera de Stara Zagora y el circo “Balkanski”. En el papel de Canio actúa Kamen Chanev, uno de los más destacados tenores de..

20.11.18 13:57 |

Opera sanatçısı Kamen Çanev: “Ben işini seven sade bir insanım”

Bu akşam Stara Zagora Operası ve “Balkanski” sirkinin ortaklığında “Palyaçi” operasının ikinci temsili gerçekleşecek. Kanio rolünü en ünlü Bulgar tenorlarından olan Kamen Çanev üstlenecek. Opera sahnesinde 25 yıl, 30’u aşkın baş rol repertuvarı..

20.11.18 13:25 |

Searching for new horizons - Pagliacci by Leoncavallo

Pagliacci by Ruggero Leoncavallo is in the spirit of the emblematic commedia dell'arte – a traveling theatre company with the actors playing the characters of Columbine, Harlequin… The plot lends itself easily to the “merger” of two..

18.11.18 09:40 |

Petır Curkov: "Biz kıvılcımı yaktık, gençler geleneği sürdürüyor"

1971 yılında saksafoncu, besteci ve araştırıcı ruhu taşıyan Veselin Nikolov, Pazarcık şehrinde en saygın caz oluşumlarından birini kurdu. Kuruluşundan üç ay sonra ilk konserlerini verdiler “Beyaz, yeşil, kırmızı” grubu. Yaklaşık 50 yıllık sanat yolunun..

14.11.18 16:25 |

Peter Dzhurkov: "Nosotros encendimos la chispa y los jóvenes continúan la tradición"

En 1971, Veselin Nikolov, saxofonista y compositor con inquietudes, fundó en la ciudad de Pazardzhik una de las formaciones de jazz búlgaras más emblemáticas y respetadas. Tres meses después tuvo lugar el primer concierto de "Blancos, verdes, rojos"...

14.11.18 12:28 |

Petar Jurkov: We lit the spark, the young are continuing the legacy

In 1971 Vesselin Nikolov – saxophone player, composer and seeker - founded, in the town of Pazardzhik, one of the most emblematic and celebrated Bulgarian jazz formation. Three months later came the first concert by the White, Green, Red ...

14.11.18 11:06 |
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