The scheme to support Bulgarian businesses due to high electricity prices must be balanced , said Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Asen Vassilev at a meeting of parliamentary committees on finance and energy. According to him, it is not..
The European Commission has informed the Bulgarian government that the payments to businesses, amounting to 110 Leva per MWh (56 euro), do not constitute state aid and Bulgaria can apply this measure to protect non-household consumers against high..
SMEs will be able to receive credit from commercial banks with an 80% guarantee from the Fund of Funds, the remaining 20% will be a risk borne by the bank itself. The measure is part of the recovery programme announced today by Minister of..
More than 20% of small and medium-sized businesses in Bulgaria are finding it difficult to resume production in the Covid crisis. They have infrastructure and staff, but no working capital. More than 75% of small and medium-sized enterprises have..
“Businesses are freezing investment projects,” said Tsvetan Simeonov, President of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the BNR. “Productions have already shrunk, and there will be layoffs. The 60/40 measure did not have the best..
Ombudsman Diana Kovacheva has asked Minister of Economy Emil Karanikolov that the information regarding the ministry’s measures in support of businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic be presented clearly and accessibly. Diana Kovacheva did so..
The Bulgarian Development Bank is launching new programmes in support of businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative supplements the government’s measures and includes sectors that are, for the time being, left out of the..
Only 8% of Bulgarian companies, mostly small ones, will receive state aid for wages under the 60:40 scheme. The remaining 92% will either cut staff, reduce salaries, and put employees on paid and unpaid leave, a study by the Bulgarian Industrial..
The government of Bulgaria is earmarking EUR 250 million for the increased expenses of the ministries of health, defence and the interior. Another 2.3 billion will be mobilized by the government in support of businesses, payment of taxes..