Code yellow has been declared in ten regions in Bulgaria today because of fog. In many cities in the country high levels of air pollution have been reported again. According to the European Commission's "Air Quality Index", this morning, particulate..
The European Commission has warned Bulgaria that it has failed to comply with the ruling of the Court of Justice of the EU on air quality. A year and a half ago the Court ruled that the country is not complying with the limit values for..
On April 10 and 11th, Sofia hosts the informal meeting of EU Ministers of Environment. During the forum, 19 ministers and more than 40 delegations will be exchanging views on environmental protection, possible solutions aimed at improving air quality,..
The environmental inspection in Veliko Turnovo is beginning additional air quality measurement in two neighbourhoods after a series of complaints by the public. A mobile automated atmospheric air quality control station will take measurements..
The European Court of Justice has published its decision related to the lawsuit against Bulgaria on violation of Directive 2008/50 on ambient air quality and cleaner air in Europe. The case was initiated by the European Commission. The EU court has..