"No apocalypse is in store for Bulgaria, and none is in store for the European Union either. The EU should be re-founded”, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov said while interviewed by the Bulgarian National Television. He believes that EU..
The topic regarding possible establishment of common naval fleet between Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey in the Black Sea entered the Bulgarian National Assembly after the Bulgarian Socialist Party demanded a hearing from Premier Borissov. The issue was..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov is taking part in the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Central European Initiative in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bulgaria is a member of the Central European Initiative since 1996 and in..
Austria’s Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz stated that Bulgaria was doing the best it can to cope with the migration flows, adding that the country is an EU external border. Minister Kurz held a meeting with his Bulgarian counterpart Daniel Mitov,..
Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov is on a working visit to Austria on 10 and 11 June. He is scheduled to meet for talks with the Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria Sebastian Kurz. The two diplomats are..
At a roundtable in Sofia organized by the European Council on Foreign Relations Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov has said that Russia has lost economic competition with Europe and military competition with NATO. As arguments Mitov has..
Bulgaria discusses with Romania and Turkey future participation in a regular NATO flotilla in the Black Sea, Bulgaria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov confirmed in Brussels. We continue the talks with our partners and with all NATO allies..
It is of key importance for Bulgaria, Croatia and the other countries from Central and Eastern Europe to coordinate their stands, in order to deal with the common challenges of the EU, Bulgaria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov said during the..
Bulgaria by no means allows itself to tolerate inhumane attitude and illegal actions against the refugees, Bulgaria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov told media on Saturday. Bulgaria is not the only EU country which is criticized in this..
Bulgaria is going to donate 10,000 euro to the Council of Europe Information Center in Belarus, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov has said while on a visit to the center in his capacity of Rotating Council of Europe Chair. He has added that..