Eмисия новини
от 18.00 часа

Bulgarian cuisine 14th in TasteAtlas European national cuisines rating

Bulgarian cuisine is ranked 14 th out of all national cuisines in Europe in the prestigious TasteAtlas rankings, BNR-Varna reports. The cuisines are rated every year on the basis of points given by the website’s users. Bulgaria is given an average..

22.06.24 17:55 |

Garash cake from Ruse among highest rated desserts by TasteAtlas

After the Bulgarian banitsa , the gastronomical encyclopedia of traditional dishes from all over the world TasteAtlas rated Torta Garash (Garash cake) from Ruse as one of the best chocolate desert in the world. The popular Garash Cake..

10.02.22 15:28 |
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