Eмисия новини
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Dimitar Peșev

Ambasada SUA îl onorează pe deputatul bulgar Dimitar Peșev cu ocazia Zilei de Comemorare a Holocaustului

Cu ocazia Zilei Internaționale de Comemorare a Holocaustului, Ambasada SUA la Sofia a adus un omagiu politicianului bulgar Dimitar Peșev și tuturor celor care i-au urmat exemplul de a se ridica pentru dreptate și umanitate. Cu mari riscuri personale,..

27.01.25 16:00 |

On 27 January the world remembers the victims of the Holocaust

10 March is the Bulgarian Day of Rescue of Bulgarian Jews, Holocaust Victims and Crimes against Humanity With commemorative events in Sofia and in Russe with the participation of officials from Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry, public administration,..

27.01.25 11:17 |

Sasha Wilson tells in a play about the saving of Bulgarian Jews during WW2

Bulgaria's Consul General in New York Angel Angelov has taken part in an online discussion organized by an educational platform on Holocaust issues and dedicated to the saving of Bulgarian Jews in the Second World War, BTA reports.  A special guest..

08.01.25 11:25 |
Alexander Oscar

The Jewish community in Bulgaria organizes a March of Tolerance

With a March of Tolerance the Jewish community in Bulgaria marks the 81st anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews and commemorates the 11,343 Jews from Aegean Thrace, Vardar Macedonia and Pirot who died in Nazi death camps during the Holocaust...

10.03.24 07:05 |
Rumen Radev

President Rumen Radev: We stand firm in the fight against xenophobia and hatred

“On the International Holocaust Memorial Day, raising voice for the importance of humanism, we stand firm in the fight against xenophobia and hatred. The rescue of nearly 50 000 Bulgarian Jews in WW2 is a clear example of public energy’s force,”..

27.01.24 14:33 |
Marin Raykov

Ambasadorul Bulgariei la Londra vorbește în sprijinul unei piese de teatru despre țarul Boris al III-lea

Într-o scrisoare adresată ziarului The Times, ambasadorul bulgar în Marea Britanie, Marin Raykov, a respins o recenzie negativă scrisă de istoricul Colin Shindler despre piesa de teatru "The Brief Life and Mysterious Death of Boris III; King of Bulgaria"...

15.08.23 14:30 |

An English play tells about the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews

The Edinburgh International Theatre Festival is an annual event held since ‎‎1947 in the last three weeks of August. It features some of the best artists in the ‎performing arts. An occasion to pay attention to this year's edition are... ‎important pages..

21.06.23 13:35 |

Monuments of the Rescuers and the Rescued in Sofia

Fortunately, i n Sofia you will not find museums or monuments to the Holocaust , as there are in many European capitals, because fortunately, Bulgaria did save its Jews from deportation to Nazi concentration camps during World War II. In this..

10.03.23 06:35 |

PM takes part in commemoration of the saviors of the Bulgarian Jews in Kyustendil

In Kyustendil, Prime Minister Galab Donev took part in the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews from the death camps during World War II.  He bowed to the memory of the five Kyustendil residents who played an active role..

09.03.23 20:14 |

50 Veranstaltungen im Ausland zum Gedenken der Rettung der bulgarischen Juden

Mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen begeht Bulgarien in diesem Jahr den 80. Jahrestag der Rettung der bulgarischen Juden während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und ehrt das Gedenken an die Opfer des Holocaust. Schirmherr des Jubiläums ist der bulgarische Präsident..

09.03.23 07:20 |
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