63% of Bulgarians support the European Union's common policy relating to the war in Ukraine. 32% of the respondents are against, data of an express survey, conducted by Alpha Research agency and the Bulgarian National Television on February 28 th ,..
Në Bjellorusi kanë nisur negociatat ndërmjet delegacioneve ruse dhe ukrainase. Zëdhënësi i Kremlinit Dmitri Peskov tha se Moska nuk do të shpallë qëndrimin e saj zyrtar. Presidenti ukrainas Volodimir Zelenski ka thënë se është skeptik për arritjen..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Kiril Petkov has convened an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers . The ministers will discuss the transportation of 140 Bulgarians out of Kyiv, the nuclear threat posed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the..
El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, ha ordenado poner en servicio especial de combate a las fuerzas de disuasión del Ejército ruso, ha informado el corresponsal de Radio Nacional de Bulgaria en Moscú. En el sitio web del Ministerio de..
President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to put Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert, the correspondent of the BNR in Moscow Angel Grigorov informed. According to the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, “the..
Për këtë informoi korrespondenti i BNR në Moskë Angell Grigorov. Duke folur para televizionit shtetëror, Presidenti rus Vladimir Putin theksoi se "vendet perëndimore jo vetëm që po vendosin sanksione të paligjshme ndaj Moskës, por zyrtarë të..
Frente al Monumento al Ejército Soviético, ubicado en el centro de la capital búlgara, se han reunido ciudadanos pintándolo con inscripciones diciendo: “Agresores”, “Asesinos”, “Gloria a Ucrania” y “¡Putin, fuera!”. Uno de los bajorrelieves ha sido..
La ministra búlgara de Exteriores, Teodora Guenchovska, ha participado en una reunión extraordinaria del Consejo de Asuntos Exteriores de la UE en Bruselas sobre la invasión militar rusa a Ucrania. “Bulgaria apoya firmemente sanciones severas..
El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin está dispuesto a enviar a Minsk una delegación que mantenga negociaciones con Ucrania. Es lo que ha manifestado el portavoz del Kremlin Dmitri Peskov, y ha precisado que el presidente de Bielorrusia, Aleksandr..
Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to send a delegation to Minsk for negotiations with Ukraine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has stated. He added that the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has assured Vladimir Putin that Minsk was..