The EU Ministers of Economy and Finance (ECOFIN) gave the green light to the national recovery and sustainability plans of Bulgaria and Sweden. The ECOFIN Council will approve them in a written procedure shortly after the informal video conference of the..
Книгите са сред привилегированите продукти, за които вече може свободно да се приложи нулев данък добавена стойност (ДДС) в страните-членки на Европейския съюз, след като Съветът по икономически и финансови въпроси (ECOFIN) прие нова директива, изменяща..
El presidente del Gobierno, Boyko Borisov, ha anunciado que en la tarde de hoy, 9 de julio, Bulgaria recibirá la buena nueva de la Unión Europea de que tendrá luz verde para acceder a la antesala de la Eurozona y la Unión Bancaria. "Ya no se podrán hacer..
„Heute Abend werden wir gute Nachrichten von der Europäischen Union erhalten, dass uns grünes Licht für den Warteraum für den Euro und die Bankenunion gegeben wird“, kündigte Ministerpräsident Bojko Borissow an. „Nunmehr können keine Banken in..
Three jurisdictions have been added to the “black list” of tax havens, said Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov who is chairing the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council meetings, within the frameworks of the Bulgarian Presidency of..