Eмисия новини
от 12.00 часа
Festival Internacional de Orquestas MIlitares en Veliko Tarnovo

Orquestas de viento militares desfilan en la antigua capital búlgara

Por decimosétima vez Veliko Tarnovo acoge el Festival Internacional de las Orquesta Militares de Viento, informan los organizadores de Ayuntamiento de Veliko Tarnovo. Este año en el Festival tomarán parte la Orquesta de Fuerzas Navales de Rumanía, la..

21.09.24 08:45 |

Military brass bands parade in Veliko Tarnovo

Veliko Tarnovo hosts the 17 th International Festival of Military Brass Bands, the organizers from the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo announced. This year, the festival will feature the Romanian Navy Military Band, the Guards Representative Brass..

21.09.24 08:45 |

Más de 80 artesanos se presentan en un festival de artesanía en Veliko Tarnovo

Un festival de artesanía de seis días de duración en Veliko Tarnovo marca el inicio de las celebraciones con motivo del 116º aniversario de la independencia de Bulgaria, que se conmemora el 22 de septiembre, informa la corresponsal de la BNR, Zdravka..

18.09.24 07:25 |

Exhibition in Veliko Tarnovo features events and personalities who contributed to the Unification of Bulgaria

The exhibition "The Unification – Events and Personalities", located at the Museum of the Bulgarian Revival and Constituent Assembly in Veliko Tarnovo, showcases original documents and photographs from the collections of the National Library..

06.09.24 12:17 |

Una exposición en Veliko Tarnovo relata los acontecimientos y personalidades que contribuyeron a la Unificación de Bulgaria

La exposición Unificación: Acontecimientos y personalidades , ubicada en el Museo "Renacimiento y Asamblea Constituyente" de Veliko Tarnovo, muestra documentos originales y fotografías de las colecciones de la Biblioteca Nacional "Santos Cirilo y..

06.09.24 11:50 |
Press conference of the Regional Council of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms in Veliko Tarnovo

The structures of MRF from Veliko Tarnovo join MRF-New Beginning party

At the expanded Regional Council held in Veliko Tarnovo, the ten municipal structures of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) from the region joined "MRF - New Beginning". The regional chairman of the MRF in Veliko Tarnovo, Gunay Daloolu, one of..

05.09.24 13:58 |

Stage of the Ages festival in Veliko Tarnovo will close tonight with musical based on Stefan Diomov's songs

The large-scale musical forum of the municipality of Veliko Tarnovo - the 9th summer opera season "Stage of the Ages" 2024 - will be closed tonight . The last two months offered the residents and visitors of the old capital concerts, opera, operetta..

04.09.24 13:38 |

Veliko Tırnovo’da “48 Saat Varuşa- Güney” festivalinin üçüncüsü düzenleniyor

“48 saat Varuşa- Güney” festivali 16-18 Ağustos tarihleri arasında Veliko Tırnovo’da düzenlenecek. Festival, Varuşa mahallesinin sunduğu kültür, spor, aile aktiviteleri, doğa ile bağlantı, eğitim etkinlikleri fırsatlarını tanıtıyor. Sosyal girişimin..

17.08.24 08:05 |

Third edition of "48 Hours Varusha South" festival in Veliko Tarnovo

"48 Hours Varusha South" will be held in the period August 16-18 in Veliko Tarnovo. The festival presents the neighbourhood's opportunities for culture, sports, activities for the whole family, connection with nature, educational..

17.08.24 07:50 |

Tercera edición del Festival “48 horas Varusha-sur” en Veliko Tarnovo

“48 horas Varusha-sur” se desarrollará en el periodo del 16 al 18 de agosto en Veliko Tarnovo. El festival presenta las posibilidades del barrio para organizar eventos culturales y deportivos, pasatiempos para toda la familia, estar en medio de la..

17.08.24 07:25 |
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