Bulgaria's Caretaker Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev told BNR that there would be results of the investigation into abuses surrounding the construction of the Hemus highway. According to him, the case, in which so far there is only one accused..
On July 27, road maintenance companies hold protests and will block traffic in the center of Sofia and in over 20 points throughout the country. After October, there will be no road maintenance, the chairman of the "Roads" Branch..
More 500 drivers have been caught driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol for less than a month, the Ministry of the Interior reported. The police operation started on July 7 after a serious accident in Sofia that caused the..
“Road construction companies are hoping, with the update of the budget, to receive EUR 1 billion due from the state for road repair and maintenance work they have performed. They will wait for the deadline on 30 June, the date by which parliament..
The heavy rain destroyed a number of roads in Bulgaria between June 10 and 12. Road maintenance and repair works are underway on Petrohan Pass, where the overflowing Barzia River washed away the asphalt layer and damaged the road. Thus, at least..
Today, the Bulgarian Branch Chamber “Roads” organize a second national protest in front of the National Assembly and across the country. "We declare the urgent need for actions aimed at adequate management and maintainance of the road network by..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Interior has reported a 30-percent rise in road-accident deaths in the first quarter of the year compared to 2021. The report came during a public discussion on a draft amendment to the Road Traffic Act. Interior Minister..
The Coalition Council of the ruling parties has reached a consensus on the payment of the money due for road maintenance. The final decision of the council must be approved at an extraordinary meeting of the parliamentary committee on regional policy...
Today, the parliamentary committee on regional policy will consider two draft decisions on the case with the due payments to road maintenance and road repair companies. One came from ITN party and the other - from "We continue the change" and "Democratic..
At a meeting dedicated to road safety, which was held in the Council of Ministers, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said he expected the parliament to approve payments to road companies this week. The state owes the companies 600 million euros. The..